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His Ecstasy

Chapter 3 A call to return home: Chapter 3

Word Count: 1144    |    Released on: 18/03/2024


be found and she was willing

in her life, She was not going t


t, it was fr

t even care whatever happened to her, he was so engrosse

ly, which made her think he was having

but then her phone

ade her think something was up a


I have been trying to reac

were you trying to reac

phone, our family is in great danger, please come back h

back now, I have somethi

Clara? I want to see you by tomorrow mornin


and exhausted but began pa

Reynold and concluded that

back home and fa

ook a flight for 6 am the next


all I can think about is how worried s

not even be in

e when I was on vacation and so far I had lost ov

I have never shown them a sign of weakness as I dealt with it head on but this time the

I haven’t slept a wink, I didn’t even hav

ll connections to my empire and would know something of importance to me was in

rought me back f

ake Lucious empire give up on the war

day I arrived and the insider had gotten information on most of the illegal doings of Lucio

we are all involved in the dark/ underworld

an end to this war and silence the Lucious empire in the future but not afte

going to attack the Lucious empire that n

and all CCTV disabled giving us easy access to the m

trance but that would be no problem as my men were st

rius Lucious, for some reason, I hated Dariu

round up everybody in the Lucious mansion bringing them to the living room on their knees

every other guard present in the build

make sure there were no errors and ever


er of my return to Rio de Janeiro, it had been 3 day



r call, Is your Prince Charming back

ieda are the reason she was my best friend, she made me la

ied to


sorry. What are you going to

s me back home immediately, said he wants to discus

to Rio tomorrow morning,

ck to me, I can’t wait to see you, I’ll

Rio de Janeiro, she had everything at her feet, I wonder

es are you

olted me ba

lost in thoughts but not to

ll see you

e babes. I

I love

l en

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