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The Doctor Secretary

Chapter 3 His girlfriend

Word Count: 1824    |    Released on: 25/03/2024


l phone ring. I didn't feel like answer

s sleepily, but I was al

y that I was shocked. I even took the cell

morning. There's a lot of patients waiting in

took a quick shower because I was really late. I cleaned myself first and of course I will fo

and I also drank last night. That I'll just shake my head at my stupidity because the person who insulte

ther. Fortunately, they were smiling while examining me, so I also smiled before knocking three times on the door of the clinic to let them know I

pened his door and was met with an evil stare. I

feel him examining me from head to toe. I was even surprised and closed my ey

boss who just stares at me. If only the earth could swallow me because of my stupidi

tched my head. That's why the patients smile because they

ll look like that?!" h

ain because nothing wil

look at him. He showed me where to go so I just followed his hand. On

ce was weak because it was like whi

when I'm sad, it's a waste of work and even a waste of the boss. I first removed the dif

ed to have some things there and you

him but he was already busy with his laptop. I admire him, I can't help

a girlfriend because that never crossed my mind because no one comes here. I just foun

ace. I also found some powder so I also applied some powder and luckily I have lip tint on so my lips are sti

have the same foot size so I wore the one I chose. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I'm wearing somet

othes, so what I did was tuck my t-shirt into my pants and fold

eaving the room. I approached

I heard him say but I went out inside the

he said to me seriously through the inter

's going to be twelve at noon, so it's actually lunchtime, but tha

for, sir?" I

, ma'am," the

finished with one patient before I took care of

ised because I've been a secretary for 5 mon

. He raised his head and our eyes met. I suddenly felt nervous as if my heart was poun

asked sternly. I gave him the peace si

nything yet, Dr.,"

wet! You didn't hear that Zareen?!" he asked angrily. I was sur

ak. I'll lower my voice like it's just a whisper as long as he's

it's wet. You're not a child so you don't un

e food. I'll point my feet and walk slowly so as not

doing?" he a

n't you see?

ething might fly later when

od Za

I just ran out. He is stressful and I don't understand him. I smiled at the person who

e lunch outside and eat it," he

ed because I wouldn't

e asked i

?" I was embarras

hungry children, Zareen, so don't waste what is

d when he's angr

ing somethin

hing but eat it. Too bad I'm hungry too. It's

se he said he had a lunch meeting. I smiled because it was a

eathe fresh air. I looked for a place to hang out and luckily the

ee to do everything. Even though what happened today was embarrassing for me,

that the smell of cigarettes wouldn't stick in my mouth. I also retouched and put on perfu

my shoulder woke me up. The boss's face appeared in my

o him. He took a deep breath and looked at me badl

cigarette sm

because I couldn't smell the

denied and smelled my clo

se you're on my way, I'm coming back," he said to me meani

Stamp that on your cuticles," he f

me speechless. He'

t what he said earlier. He didn't come back to the cl


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