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The Doctor Secretary

Chapter 5 going on vacation

Word Count: 1737    |    Released on: 25/03/2024


called from

he didn't let me in, so it was natural for

or not?" he aske

I answered yo

ning?" he asked. I was about

ere or come in here? Come inside! You've be

mm! but really? he also said he has a boyfriend, why doesn't he water his woman, then? My mind asked. If I could complain, I did because I couldn't follow him either. I

wan next week," he ordered me while

he's not in the mood to come back. It's just your head and chin that's getting hot. The good thing is that I don'

al one because he wanted to see the patient himself and check what kin

iously and closed his laptop and faced me. He looke

at home," I lied and slowly turned aroun

. I shook my head at him because I forgot to wait for

hat you leave. You have a very bad decis

I can act nicer than this because I can still predict what he'll do. Then I was ashamed

u?" I reasoned. I hope it's okay if he makes me sit on his lap, este! in

ait for him to let me out because it was difficult. Or he will just stare at my face. What's wrong with my face? I noticed he was always starin

d skillfully put my hands on

oor?" I asked quietly. It's also

t are poited. You may not dance as a Ballerin

on with me anymore so I turned around and danced in f

ickets. It's a good thing he's leaving because next week is our semi-final exam. I can focus and I can even review here

eave but he didn't. I closed my eyes because he smelled really go

ext week. You are goin

t said in my mind that I will be able to

ticket?" he as

Yes, he ordered it so why don't I do it. I'm his secre

ng next week?"

What he means im going to Palawan too? No! I thought his girlfriend was with him? My

oc for vacation," I answered. He crossed his arms over his chest an

derstand him. He just said a month ago that his girlfriend had some things and even lent them to me. Then now he will ask questions or maybe they are gone so m

t week doc," that's all

Thomas Hyden Ron Monteleagre is one of our professors who will give the exam. I still don't w

ng good anymore because his two eyebrows are meeting. H

ered politely and d

mphasized and went back inside his clinic. I was almost deaf when he closed the door. The dinasur is a

xt week because it's a semi-final," I informed

Because he wasn't the one who interviewed me then. Your attorney friend.

if you're workin

did you

two hands so that he would stop what he had just asked, maybe he would ju

first question first, doc, okay?" I said but he raised an ey

re still studying," he said and leaned his back agains

cause I just told him that I will answer the first question first and he doesn'

e said with concern but I shook my head in case he fi

The dream of what you want to achieve o

e to continue studying," I answered him and

person who interviewed me accepted me because this is one

ou study?" h

ut they just looked at me toge

here in Manila in case I get lucky in life. I study in Medical School, but I'm reg

r. I was surprised but I nodded too. He too


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