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Whispers In The Storm

Chapter 2 Juggling Responsibilities: Elia's Struggle In The City

Word Count: 1254    |    Released on: 31/03/2024


pital tra

hind her came four charming children, who walked wobbling like littl

g when I will be able to rest. You have an incredible ability to have children; in the blink of an eye, you gave me four

and responded. “Mom, you have worked hard. When I ge

would pay her a little more, since supporting four c

dant to find him, but the old house suddenly collapsed. The place where she was standing at

she was pregnant. Her life was a disaster; she wanted

med that it had turned into dust. She searched for a long time but did not find it.

her pregnancy, leave school, and return home to have the child. After that, she had four adorable children.

the Capital, without education,

he children, where will you get money to buy me things? Look at me, I ha

e, but very considerate in times of need. He took the bottle of water that Rosalinda was carry

ssage,” said Joel Sauri sweetly. Joel was very beautiful, with bright

said, with her big eyes, long eyelashes, an

with great determination in her clear eyes an

e and purity. Listening to them, Elia felt as if her heart was going to melt for those little o

Joel were the older brothers, Ina and Inés were the younger sisters. Throughout those years,

on of the passersby; everyone looked at El

can cook and give massages to their grandmot

e. Their parents must be fantastic peop

inda's face lit up with a smile and she said to the passersby, “I am th

tion, as if she were afraid that people would not kno

God, always with a sweet smile

hat Rosalinda was so happy, she did not w

d home those last few years. She had been wher

se in C

e returned to the city of her and her relatives; then she returned to the Capita

to go to work tonight, I'm leaving now, I made fried eggs

l on the way,” Rosalinda seemed a little impa

en at the train station. She had joined a group of part-time workers, where

l night, the job included serving alcohol to cu

in the Capital, Elia had

f her thighs, and a blouse with a V-neckline that, if she was not careful, cou

ling anything else, the two hundred dollars from the part-time job would be enough to buy new clothes for the four children, since last year's clothes were no longer useful, i

t underestimate the two bottles of alcohol in it; each one costs 20,000 dollars, if you can sell one,

atedly. “Okay, I

igh social status; you have to be careful how you treat them,

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