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Whispers In The Storm

Chapter 3 The Unexpected Encounter: A Nightclub Dilemma

Word Count: 1511    |    Released on: 31/03/2024

er hands. She was terrified at the thought that she mig

scaring her so much that she let out a scream. Her fright sent her heart into h

y the bottle

eone and you don't even apologise." A

f hostility. Although it was not her fault, normally she would apologise due to


n and her both were

bar. If you are going through difficult times, you can come to me. I can offer you a decent job. Afte

time, she was completely captivated by him. He was so h

t day and during dinner, she found every excuse possible to make Sergio drink until he lost consciousne

at all, even after what happened between them. No matter what tactics she use

” She wasn't stupid. After that incident, she realised that it had probabl

tely, life was not fair and Vania received a large sum of money from somewhere, she began to

ot seen her since. But she still couldn't help but hear people brag and

immediately became angry. "Are

't stand Elia. With her slutty face and her seductive charm, once a man fell int

a man came out. He emitted an aura of nobility, and with a disgusted fa

Salcedo, the famous heir of th

ely belonged to the latter group. She smiled kindly at Orson, nodded politely, and apologised as she walked away from her with her friend. She

umber of the private room; it was Suite V8. She immediatel

,” the m

served the people sitting on the sofa; four men in total, three of them accompanied by two be

, handsome and elegant, with bright eyes, was very handsome. He exuded a deep, sharp and

phone, tapping the screen continuously; he seemed to be busy with other matters. That was t

dren for two months. At that moment, it seemed that the best thing was to try to

at him, wanting to talk to him, but not knowing how to start. The people around him noticed her indecision; Orson, the man who had just opened the doo

lready has someone in his heart; there is no one else who could inte

is affection is occupied by a woman who has already died; he has n

hat's why he was not interested in any other woman;

a very lucky woman who was able to win

not want misunderstandings; she had no intentions towards that handsome man. After all, she was already a mother of fou

I just wanted to ask him if he wanted some

eyes were instantly drawn; his deep, starry gaze directed towards her. That woman's voice, li

n's voice seem so

od? Have you tried it?" Or

stly answ

s good, we'll buy it. If it's not good, I'm sorry, but we

ad looked up to look at that woman, wit


didn't ask a woman, who seemed to w

man? How could they miss the op

. How was she to know what

and they didn't like it, wouldn't the cos

g with her. If she left at that time, she might o


wing what to do. However, she still h

hey can taste it and then tell you guys how it tastes. So, you can't say that I

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