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Whispers In The Storm

Whispers In The Storm


Chapter 1 Storm of Betrayal

Word Count: 1343    |    Released on: 31/03/2024

. Where she was, was her old house in the countryside, an old house full of firewood

was trying to control her fear. She crawled to the door and kn

o other sound. She just wanted to go into the house to

les that, due to the passage of time, leaked from time to time. There was only o

r thunder cra

om above, breaking the ceil

a screame

illuminating a little to the room that was previously immersed in darkness. She saw with fear a man lyin

sked him carefully,

swer anything. Wa

ched slowly, trying to contain her fear, an

about to scream, the man covered her mouth. He hugged her from

s voice was deep, with an air of wildness, with a

man removed his hand from her mouth, and suddenly, he stood up and fell to the groun

ext s

growled, his hot breath blowing into her

he man's breathing was heavy, with an uncontrol

espond, he sealed h

nd the light illuminated their intertwined b

leep; a roar was heard on the

age of the lightning, he gently caressed the face of the woman next to him. The light was weak

is neck and put it in her hand; it was a family heirloom. “T

ad t

limbing the ladder he had taken down from the

ous night flashed through her mind; the man's heavy, passio

had such an emb

at herself, her clothes were messy, she only had them on, and t

a dream; it r

there was no one but

blood stain, she didn't know if it was his or hers. The ma

hole in the ceiling, swallowing back her tears. At that time the sky was already clearing, withou

k and rainy. She clenched her fist and suddenly felt something

el he could make it up to me? Anger and sadness were intertwined; her strength increased with

ree meters from her house; she r

he door, what she

r cousin! There were clothes thrown everywher

top. Her boyfriend of two years in college, Sergio Griera, during the summer

ok him home, but she didn't expect that her mother had gone to visit a

ought her boyfriend, came in a friendly manner to help her cook. After di

oped, many families used straw and firewood to heat a la

or closed, she couldn't see anything, and she didn't have her cell phone. Suddenly, it started to rain heavily, and she couldn't escape. Inexplicably locked in

her most vulnerable moment,

reamed in surprise: “How can this be?! Elia, let me explain, we

ing and noticed Elia, disheveled next to him. He hurriedly dresse

ftly; tears gushing lik

t, she r

an, and make him give her some explanation. But just as she entered, the old house that had deteriorated over the yea

o shouted, hi

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