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Kidnapped By The Cold Mafia King

Kidnapped By The Cold Mafia King

Author: Ivo nne

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 1381    |    Released on: 01/04/2024


t I needed before I started my new job next month. A vacatio

e so I decided to go to the bar. Who knows,

down on the barstool, my eyes scanned the bar to look for any hot male who could keep me company tonight and there were some nice ones to pick f

ide, my hills quietly clicked on the pavement, and my breath closed around

ran adjacent to the bar. The guy from the bar had his back turne

his legs wide and arms crossed, trying to look tough. Another man exited the SUV and went around to the back where he opened the door. The guy from the ba

drug deal, I needed to get out

me. My heart stopped, and whi

hear. My fingers closed around my cell phone. The guys look


guy asked, moving close behind

ook a step forward, stumbling like I was d

through me. Yes, yes I should. I swallowed hard. “I

consumed me, and something cold pressed against my neck. The jo

I pass


haft while I watched the two girls on the bed. Both were young, eighteen or nineteen, mayb

hair and makeup in such a way it was hard to tell them

panties. Red opened her mouth and dramatically moaned. The theatrics

wn a little faster. I didn

Red panted. “Oh

hey landed by my feet. I picked them up, smiling at the girls. I kept working my hand, running my t

pread Red’s legs. Then she d

ut with the other and grabbed Red’s wrist. I pulled her down to her knees, opening my legs. She fit right between

ook me in her mouth and down her throat. She moved fast, sucking hard, then let up. Sh

I wanted to come. She closed her lips around me and sucked hard as I c

t still felt forced. I sighed and let go of Red’s hai

ittle taken back by my urgency to see them leave. Th

in, dark hair, and dark eyes. I looked like my father. I inherited more than my ch

to wait on me, and the best of everything. Inheriting my last name was

ral generations. It had grown the most during my father’s time. I felt the pre

” the voice on th

” I answered

s Die

sh. He’d been a family friend for decades. I trusted him to have my back but n

lling me?” I tri

a slight

“problem.” I closed my eyes i

w us making the drug deal. But

ked. “G

She’s w

head into the wall.

ter than that, s

wall. “You kidnapped an American


ng a pair of dark jeans and a black long sleeve t-shirt. I tucked a gun into the back of my pants.

ar scent did little to calm me. I was mad. So fucking mad. I wanted to hit Diego, never mind him

nternational borders was another. I co

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