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Kidnapped By The Cold Mafia King

Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 01/04/2024


e of emotions, from stubbornness to sheer terror. I couldn’t put my

eyes and tipped my head up into the water. She wa

ng up around her waist, her pussy peeking out from between her smooth thighs

bove her to the headboard. My cock was hard, pushing aga

e so obvious it was tangible. It turned me on even more. She called my name when

y stomach and onto my back. My hard cock rested against my stomach,

cing at the clock. It was four in the morning. Fuck. Nothing good was comin

?” a voice on th

d, recognizing Die

e in Spanish, qu

s de


e found him in his apartm

l of

“Francis called me right

ancis was one of my dirty co


n’t need to question Diego or even Francis. I had a s

ly and fell apart. They didn’t pose a threat anymore. No one messed with the Russo's after that. Engaging in war with the Morale

n years. Why would they come back now? I didn’t know Rico well. He was overseen

k a few muscle relaxers and a shot of tequila. I lay back

ings in line. I dressed and went to the warehouse. I was a

l dealers. I wanted to check up on them, and getting a personal visit from the

with private dancers. I sipped my drink, watching a curvy woman slide her

ed my drink and held up my hand. All it took was one flick of my wrist

other girl to start dancing while I got blown. I watched the new girl move to the pole. She was tall and thin, with long

off. I didn’t mean to, but I imagined it was Ellie work

there, not allowing her to pull back until she had swallowed everything. Then I stood, zipped my pant

gun at my side before walking out of the c


nt of the guest room door. It took effort not to speed my gait and

ouble?” I asked,

guard answered.

the door. The guard stepped to the

waves around her face. All of her makeup had been washed off. Her eyes were a vivid green, and

d stepped into the room, c

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