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Kidnapped By The Cold Mafia King

Chapter 2 Episode 2

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 01/04/2024

s I sped by. They were heavily armed and on the top of their game. I slamm

tá la chica?”

b to point behind him.

uck didn’t yo

knew how we were. Saw an ex

hook my head. “So your genius

o point in questioning Diego. It was alrea

t him. “Let me

t hummed, slowly growing brighter and brighter. I

reen eyes. She was thin and athletic, with muscular legs that looked so smooth, begging to be touche

not wearing

led the tip of

unable to get up since her hands and feet were tied together. Diego grab

ching her squirm around? My eyes dropped from her face to her thighs. Her d

ent her legs, doing her best to cover herself. “Wha

repeated, still s

just let me go! I won’t say anything, but that doesn’t fuc

tears pooling in her eyes. “Just rape

sh, “I might be a very bad man who doe

me and blinked. “Y

d. “Of cour

teeth. “Let me go. Please. I

my hair and sighed.

,” she b


d down her cheeks. I didn’t like crying women

you?” I


ve a last n

he said.


oing to find this out anyway. Might

ing hands against her face. “If you’re going

“I have no reason

u going to do with

y eyes. I should kill her. It made s

ith me,”


ou if you listen

hy the fuck won’t you? You kidnapped me

ice venomous. She looked up, green eyes burning with anger.

fted my weight. “We’

rolled her eyes. “Do you thi

uch she hated me. The tip of my dick ached, wanting in her pussy. I bet she was tight. I let my eyes run dow

wanted her

e you taki

to step in front of me. “Don’t think about r

ot stupid,” she said. “I can see ho

the wheel. “Now shut up and be quiet.” I fi

mpletely terrified, but I’d be damned if I acted like it. Now wasn’t the

. I wrapped my arms around myself as Tristan drove thro

the second story and a red clay roof. It looked like a freaking luxury resort. The la

four cars and a motorcycle in here. Everything was expe

His voice was commanding, but

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