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My possessive boyfriend

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1579    |    Released on: 02/04/2024

other Miran, they took care of me from the moment they saw me they floated in the river in a basket they took me and took care of me since I was young and when I grew up father Kaloy got sick and we d

e to handle it for dad Kaloy after a few days it will be fin

nking cars and the chatter of people filled her ears as she navigated her way through the crowded sidewalks. Despite

ring her words of encouragement, while others treated her with indifference. Nevertheless, Wendy rema

her work, earning the respect of her colleagues and supervisors. With each paycheck, she

streets, discovering hidden gems and embracing the diversity of cultures around her. Yet,

her gratitude for Wendy's sacrifices and shared the news of her father's improving health. Tears welled up

s in the city and her longing for home. Despite the challenges and uncer

ued her journey in the city, carrying with her the me

while cleaning a particularly lavish condo suite, she overheard a conversation between

for a local hospital in need of medical equipment. The more she listened, the more she felt a tug at h

free of charge. She reached out to the event organizers, explaining her situation and expressing her desir

She spent every spare moment preparing for the event, ensuring that every detail was perfect. From scrubbing floor

e fit for royalty. Guests arrived in their finest attire, mingling and enjoying the festi

s poured in from all corners, exceeding even the organizers' wildest expectations. It was a

lebration, Wendy received a phone call from her mother, her voice trembling with urgency. With

ion? And how would this unexpected twist change the course of her journey? Only t

static. "Wendy, it's your father... he's taken a tur

er father, who had been showing signs of improvement, was now facing a sudden decline in health. Panic g

ately and rush back to the province to be by her father's side. She quickly excuse

ather lying ill and her mother's distraught face filled her with a sense of urgency. Despite the distance and the o

the passing scenery through the taxi window. Every passing mile brought her closer

amily's humble home. She rushed inside, her heart pounding in her c

whisper. With a sense of dread hanging over her, Wendy made he

condition? As she stood at the threshold, Wendy braced herself for the emotional rollercoaster that awaited

: A Fathe

lay in bed, his face pale and drawn, his breathing shallow and labored. Desp

g his hand in hers. Tears welled up in her eyes as she

his daughter. "Wendy, my dear, I'm so glad you're here," h

the sight of her father's weakened state. She knew that time

r power to ease his suffering. She helped her mother with the household chores,

resilient, his spirit unbroken by the ravages of illness. He drew strengt

courage of her father. Despite his own pain and suffering, Kaloy remained a source of insp

ould no longer ignore the inevitable. With a heavy heart, she sat by her fa

ut also with a newfound sense of strength and resilience. She realized that although her fathe

or his legacy by living her life with courage, compassion, and unwavering

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