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Hiding The Son Of The Mafia Boss

Chapter 2 drunk

Word Count: 2178    |    Released on: 07/04/2024


horitatively as he h

serious when he says h

lding out his phone to me, I didn't want to hand it over but he was just looking at me, t

ialed my number, but when I gave it to hi

m B

? Hurry up and we'll have a lot more to do, don

ge that I mixed with the

ing happened to us? Is this a joke?" I was annoyed

ously, especially since I

could expect something from him, but what I discovered now is

so bad, you can't walk

r glasses" I said in disgust as

said!" The stro

he said in a panic as h

got out of the car and forced

nes at your car" I yelled at him loudl

ho has his own car is "stop the car" that's really what I will do even if I can't ch

me person. Even though I was drunk and out of my mind, I made sure that

m" I was very surprised when

on the flight that was my only problem whi

o drink, especially since I'm waking up instead of falling asleep because I'm

then in a moment when I was vulnerabl

I wouldn't give him" I said to myself, while looking

driver said, so I qui

y way home, my hea

strong and can face everything, I still ca

s I felt. For some inexplicable reason, I did

er it's saying that I'm afraid to see the two of them because I know they

full of bite and kiss marks, was exposed to me and it looks like after

ught me looking like this" his soft and modest words

your snake and naughty persona that you have been hiding for a long time i

uestion annoyed me even more, but I did

is it okay? Don't act like a poor puppy, your pretense won't work for me, from the beginning whe

my ally, especially since you chose to come with me and not be separated from me when mom and dad rejected m

your flirtatious mother dared us to visit Papa at the mansion!" I u

said angrily as he came towards me furiously and it looked like he was going to slap me when I q

because your pretense is sickening. If I had known at the beginning that you wer

drain and he's trash!" were the last words I uttered before going upstairs to get my things while the stupid wa

ng your brother too" were the spicy words that came out o

u leave first" was my annoyed response as I

lous things and I don't have time

e said with authority th

with my sister and you won't hide behind me just to fuck" I said sar

nding, he quickly closed the

I'll make up for all my mistakes" he said l

thers say that a person gets

ing to leave him alone?" I ride hi

ont of his face because I hate his p

so it's normal for me to be tempted, it's your fault too. If you just let me do what I want to do, Yo, I wi

or you. I don't love Clark, I still love you,

xcess brought disgust

're a bitch! After I

ened and Clark was spit out there, screaming in anger

d me while Clark was losing his mind like

uickly took the must-haves and other important t

thing left, I quickly organized myself while the t

e broke up last night, I just forgot to tell you when I c

s anger and shoc

me!" Its very loud cry li

!!!" It's Segunda while flopping on the floor like a spoiled

say while looking at

topped in his madness when

love!! I'm going to kill myself" was h

ut laugh especially because I loved him so

while choking herself and banging her head on the floor. Meanwhile, Clark

etter for me to leave especially because I was afraid th

der like a child about to have its tendons cut, while my

have anyone else close by" I shyly

soften that's why we

ust leave you alone, especially after I found out what happened to you. When I really see you

ll room, because this is the only room apart

tay with. Besides, I can't be chosen, it's really nice. Thank

our dinner. Rest first and you look tired" he sa

o to bed when I noticed that someone had texted me, so I quickly picked up the

arrogant man, who thinks that if he a

en anymore! Cheaters!" I was so annoyed, I said a

e trying to calm myself down, especially since I was th


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