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His Unforgettable Love

Chapter 2 1. Intriguing Hazel Orbs

Word Count: 1442    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

r fairyland but one day the devil

l entered the house looking exhausted, yells at the top of

but stopped in the middle when the

he couldn't find her there to as it was empty and she frowns. "Where did she go? Maybe upstairs...", mumbling to herself an

feel enough energetic to reach up. It was a very exhausting day for her in offi

mn secret was cooking up there. She frowns hard hearing it and fastens her steps towards her mom's room. Without

ng here?", She asks, a

beside her there was her aunt Caroline who isn't her aunt by blood but by hear

?' and crossed her arm to her chest making her mother nervous."Umm.. nothing

face and her mother and aunt share a look. "But then I heard you whisper something and got cu

aying it's nothing but two bestie's private conversation and she should stay out of it. "Fine... ladies. I'm out already...!",

mother and aunt laughed out. "Go.. and get fresh Rihu... we'll get you something yummy to

ks to her room on the second floor. Getting her tensed muscles

while fixing her hair in a proper messy bun. Switching the TV on she flopped on the recliner and watch

eturning home exhaustedly. She misses her college days, friends, bunked classes, badly sometimes. But now her most of the f

se who was leaving today for a business trip with her offic

t Matt's house. She bids her mother and aunt bye with a peck at their cheeks. And her

I'm scared.. what if he tries to meet her?", She asks, fear filling her nerves. "Calm down... Nothing will happen. You are just


e house she found Daisy all-ready with her small suitcase standing in the living room with Matt. She hugged her tightly

f the term when they were in 2nd year. He was a new comer and a flirtati

ago when she was in her high school. Whole ride they were listening Charlie Puth and BTS songs grooving themselves into it, living in

alone in a duplex apartment being a rich brat and no one will complain also. Rihana agreed as she h

open hair danced as she stands on the seat letting the breeze brush her face and give a ticklish sensation. Some


ng outside staring at a lovely couple with her child having their moments. A smile crept

topped seeing those hypnotizing orbs. "Is he gawking at me?", She wonders. That person was in a good distance from

and her stomach felt turmoil build inside her. The vibes she was getting from just his

his face?, She

eyes staring intensely. But just when he was about to walk toward her

o their car. She turned back to see that person just before getti


e off to the marine lines enjoying their fast food wraps and hot chocolate. And somehow her mind shifted away fro

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