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His Unforgettable Love

Chapter 4 3. Delivery Boy

Word Count: 1171    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

ath but again those orbs



ry boy as the rats inside her stomach were getting wild. Wel

azel orbs with mask on man was standing in front staring at her. Blood froze inside her body and fear engulfed her soul with utter shock. Never ever in her drea

eping a t

at only..", her subconscious repl

ripping those fucking sports bra and black shorts which made her look damn sexy and stunning in this outfit. Showing off her creamy white le

n. But her eyes noticed how they flickered lust and longing desires for her and she got out of her space and


and staring her back was making her heart beat in a abnormal speed. All

th him? Why is

mfy attire. But wasn't it casual for her? Of course it was but the person w

oice boom, grabbing her attention. “Mo

chuckle left his lips which made her knees go weak while a chilled shiver ran down her spine and she prayed to God for

ery boy?”, he asked getting his eyes close

livery boy. Can you imagine? Ho

seeing his nerve pop up on hi

ack. Rihana was trembling seeing his predator steps and imagined the worst for her while praying to God tha

y had unnecessarily made in the middle. At least for that time it seeme

but calm voice he cooed in her ear that he won’t harm her and she shivered with his hot breathe fanning her ears.

heek and put the loose strands behind her hair without breaking the eye contact and her chest fall gradually up and down with his fingers br

in my house.. No scratch it!! Why the hell are yo

e was inside her house w

y sta

ring you these days”, he sounded genuine but her mind and


on’t like it”, he said with great

oud to be heard?’ Or ‘Can he read her mind? ‘But then her stupid mind registered his last l

el eyes shot open making her

g aura. Her breaths hitched and heart beat almost stopped. She

ared at her with pure amusement. He turned and walked till door making her think he was leaving but to her d

ook his seat and pulled her beside him. Opening the pizza box he took one slic

go. Seeing her eat while moaning he felt hungry for her and the pizza both and for now he chose

ring at the TV which was still on. Her eyes darted toward


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