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His Unforgettable Love

Chapter 3 2. Sexy Stalker

Word Count: 1581    |    Released on: 03/04/2024


too much but the way you spe



man who was staring at me with his damn but hypnotiz

I even did. But no, he was actually stalking me at my favourite Cafe, restaurant, p

s he stalking me?

it at all but still it doesn't

am the only companion to myself. "Don't forget you have a sexy stalker too wi

nothing in his table. "Maybe you are his food",

away and walk to washroom. My food was taking time and

es. "I mean I get it he likes me but that doesn't means he will stalk me and stare me alway

at you? Or because he had his mask on all these days including t

ed out "All" little loud for anyone to hear but fortunately no

t behind me. A silent but loud gasp left out my mouth and I looked at him, feeling horr

he just arrived?", I asked my mind and he wa

exy. I mean I know it's just a common and normal thing but don't

thing starts seeming sexy by its own?", my mind questioned and I

step back. When he asked in his uttermost sexiest voice 'All what?' my chain of thoughts broke and

didn't did but the way his voice came out made me head over hee

he is? Why his every move and thi

den that even I didn't realised what I was doing. 'Like great human being I am' an

ing forward and I walked backward only to be hit by the cold slab. He caged m

. At least not till I see that face who

ocked and I replied inter

ioned and I bit my tongue

aven messy hair was tousled up while few strands danced on his forehead. Those t

that mask. My hands by their own went for pulling down that mask and I almost re

than ever. My lips felt dried and I licked them making his h

sappeared asap but my legs felt jello. My grey eyes kept on staring

n my brain properly and I instantly asked "Why?" making him smirk t

g hot with his intensifying gaze, sexy voice, fucking closenes

see me but for that you need to wait for a pe

own my self. "Well does it really makes sense?", my brain asked and I ignored. Befo

? And what

ke me go crazy with this closeness and 90% coverage on him. I

cked and I shut myself quickly feeli

nd the feeling of being alone hit me hard. On my way I searched for a needy person and gave them my food and left for home, missing m

while I bunked off. Honestly, working in my moms office is so boring actually you

pillow tightly placing few kisses. And then hugged my Booh bear teddy who was staring at me with a sad pout. As I talk with my teddy


et so I picked my phone only to find 4 missed calls from her with 10 tex

empty. In three rings mom picked my call and gave a earful of

et me answer you that I don't even know

I can't come stuck with Dad' and I sigh softly. Pouting my lips I order Pizza, cheesecake and Pepsi onl

notification pops saying my order arrived. I walk to the door, open it and take


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