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Word Count: 2158    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

excused herself to the reception, leaving Nora and June alone. Kate never liked leaving them together, because she feels jealous whenever she sees them together. June and Nora were c

d they pay my hospital bills?" Nora still angry came down from the bed. "I need to use the restroom" Nora snapped. With her feeble legs, she dragged herself out of the ward. "I think she is still angry let's give her some time she would cone around. Remember the doctor's advice about her quick recovery from amnesia" June pleaded with Kate for being yelled at by Nora. "Its okay, its fine" Kate responded. "Let me go and check her out, she might need some assistance" June suggested trying to walk out of the ward. June had turned one hundred and eighty degree wanting to go fetch Nora when Kate pulled him back by the wrist. She pulled him close to herself enough that his chest was in contact with her breasts. Kate wasted no time as she reached for June's lips and gave him a deep kiss. Mouth to mouth for about thirty seconds Kate kissed June passionately. It was as though June was hypnotized by Kate. Suddenly June broke off from her hold. "This is unprofessional, you shouldn't be doing this in the hospital. Moreover we ain't dating. How long have you been thinking this?, you are like an elder sister to me. This is unbelievable" June expressed himself in disappointment after the unexpected deep and passionate kiss Kate gave him. June walked out with his head bow down and hands at akimbo replaying the memory Kate just planted in his head. He hastened up and went to look for Nora. Nora had changed into another cloth which only God knows where she it from. She was already walking out of the hospital informing neither Kate nor June. "Nora, Nora,..Nora.." June called out to Nora checking from one restroom to another. Until he got to the end of the building. He followed one of the two ways to his

uplex. What could be wrong?". Mrs Anderson puzzled at the way the Williams just addressed her over the phone. "I think we should go see the boy, besides he hasn't called in days now neither did he visit us. Or did he visit you while I was away?". Mr Anderson opined and asked facing his wife. " No oo, he didn't visit nor called me too" Mrs Anderson objected. Basher's father turned the car around and headed for the Anderson's duplex bought in his son's name. The Andersons got to Basher's house and saw exactly what the Williams witnessed. "What a disgraceful child is this". Mrs Anderson angrily went into the kitchen and brought out cold water from the fridge. She sprinkled them all with the water as they all woke up. " Mom, dad what!, I deserve some privacy, you should have called me before showing up uninvited". Basher complained facing his parents. Mr. Anderson just stood there speechless, his hands at akimbo. The three girls ashamed at their positions with Basher quickly grab their scattered clothes and shoes and fled. "Whose bag is this?" Mrs Anderson asked pointing to the center table. "Its for Nora she left it behind" Basher replied. "Left it behind to where?". Basher's mum inquired searching through the bag. In the presence of Mr Anderson and Basher, she brought out the contents of Nora's bag. In the bag she found Nora's phone with series of missed calls from her parents. She also found a pregnancy strip reading positive and also in the purse was found her inhaler and test result confirming Nora was pregnant for six weeks there about. " where is she when her belongings are here?. Besides when were you going to tell us that Nora is pregnant for you?" Basher's mum asked. "I'm as shocked as you are mum I had no idea" Basher confessed. "I told her we were going out and that she should get ready, so I stepped out and before I came back she was gone". Basher replied avoiding the details of what really happened between him and Nora his fiancée. The Andersons were happy having seen the pregnancy test results " we would be grandparents soon and have grandchildren

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