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Word Count: 1220    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

serves as a resident doctor. Basher is the older child and only son of the Anderson family. His father, Mr Anderson, was a multibillionaire Chief Executive Officer and his mother, Mrs Ander

em got engaged and started courting. Both parents from the two sides never bothered to ask or inquire about the love interest of their children, as for Basher it wasn't necessary, he was a jerk already. What could he possibly know about love and feelings? He was a spoilt, irresponsible brat. But on the side of the Williams' daughter, they never allowed her to air her opinion or make a choice in the matter, not even considering her state of health. She is asthmatic and does have crises occasionally when stressed or agitated, but her parents dominated her will. She agreed to be engaged to Basher in order to satisfy her parents' wishes to foster the relationship between the Williams and Andersons. A few months into their engagement, both Basher and his fiancée moved to one of Anderson's duplexes. It was one of the properties bought in Basher's name. They were staying together while their parents were planning their wedding. Though there have been a series of fights between Basher and his girl. Until one faithful day, Basher asked her fiancée to let them hang out on a date, but she objected "Bash, I won't be able to go with you, let's postpone it. I'm not feeling too well today please" she pleaded, and without a second thought Basher flared up. Before she knew what was happening, Basher dragged out the duvet from her body, she was left with only pants on, and quickly she covered her breasts with her two hands in

can't find her, she has left the house, she defied me, I can't see her anywhere" Basher ranted on the phone to his supposed soon-to-be mother-in-law "who? What are you talking about?" Mrs Williams inquired "your daughter. I can't find her. I told her this morning we were going out, and she should be ready before I get back. Now she has left the house. She even left without her phone and bag. I don't know where she went", Basher yelled his lies and ended the call. "What happened Basher, where has she gone, where is my daughter? Haa! This boy hung up on me" Dr. Mrs Williams was puzzled as she dropped the phone. She tried calling her daughter's phone. The pho

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