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Widowed patient lover

Widowed patient lover

Author: Ginya LEs

Chapter 1 Preface

Word Count: 726    |    Released on: 04/04/2024


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y a few minutes have passed. Anxiety eats away at me and I despair; however, I try to remain as calm as I

er to face her; a small tear rolls down her eye, as she tries not to burst into tears. I bru

of my lips, I feel her shudder a

not alone. “At my words, she takes my hand, c


at all we had to do was wait for the definitive moment. He advised us to go h

in her voice. Then he sniffles as he pulls aw

cry, to be strong for her” “Don't be afr

ek and looks at me as if the words are piling up on her tongue. Remember all the plans we had? To go to I

I hold her at this moment so hard, so cruel, so merciless. Whoever said that "there is no medicine that cures what happiness cures", lied. Neit

desperate times. No matter what I feel, no matter the helplessness, the frustration, the pain

ut my love for you. Why I loved you even when I barely knew you, I love you despite seeing your scars and I will love you always, even if you are not by my side. Well, even if everything becomes unbearable, you must be sure that at the end of the road, when you

o calm her fears. She needed me to remind her that I love her, not to tell her that she will not die, for she would be lying, and it

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