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Widowed patient lover

Chapter 3 Maya - Intervention

Word Count: 957    |    Released on: 04/04/2024

signaling me from the check “in desk to hurry up. I run as fast as I can to get there before the t

“Alma shouts from her

n a huff and she holds out the fingerpri

wall clock and I'm g

ce of joy, as the guys on shift cheer me o

ve swept up, we walk together to the emergency area

walking along, both of them muttering to each other

n-eyed brunette, they both stop and l

ks at me confused, wondering what the hell I

ow? “John asks

because I really d

knows everything. W

laugh and

he announces as he walks ah

pat him on the back as

least pay

nough for tomorrow's beers. “H

ho come and go. It is not the first time that someone bets that I will not win the monthly punctuality bonus because I usually arrive very late, it is like a contest between us to see who

I take my place as an emergency general surgeon. Today is February fourteenth and w


present. I finish my cigarette and go back inside; it will barely be nine o'clock at night and it looks like a day full of patients. I

and medical units arrive. Not a few minutes go by when the sound increases and I conclude th

, deep wound in the left arm, thirty-one years old, and with a

ulance turn down the main avenue, take a breath and exhale with parsimony. In these cases, there is nothing better than being ca

k. For my part, I receive the emergency patient and guide the team to the operating room, at the sa

s removes it. I quickly observe his features, as it does not escape my notice, that he is handsome, and that he also lo

from here. “I say a quick goodbye to the

s working and preparing t

situation. Iker, put on some music to help us concentrate. Come

razy, but a crazy woman sure that this

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