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Widowed patient lover

Chapter 2 Milo - I'll see you soon

Word Count: 359    |    Released on: 04/04/2024

ng for what seems like a long night, but it's really not, I started at six in the evening;

d away; the pain of her loss has not only left an empty space in my bed, but also in the primordial place in my heart. I have cried as

er hands are not the anchors that hold me to reality and lift me to peace. A future without her is no future, si

ut without her, now nothing makes sense. There will be no one to mourn me, no parents, no uncles, no brothers, so I feel no regret or remorse for what I wish

r me to be reunite

to the bedroom, leave it, on one side, on the night

you very soon, my princ

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