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Author: wonderful


Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 04/04/2024


called out as I lay

heading to work?"

out, struggling to

ired in a sleepy tone,

time is?" she further asked,

day off from your roaster" she said as she

mpts to wake up, I even

shift?" I asked, as she sat on th

sual," cam

bath?" I asked when I notic

if there's no opportunity to bathe?" she

. I'm not certain I'll be awake by then,

will" I

I asked, but my question was met with silenc

oom to shower so I co

e bedroom is Melissa Shawn. She's not only my best friend but also my roommate and one o

h she returns home every morning utterly exhausted. As for me, I chose to work in the hotel section not because I don't appreciate the extra tips, but becau

use, closing the door quietly so

Mr. Garrett, our kind landlord, as he watered the flo

pe you had a pleasant nigh

rs?" he asked as I rumm

" I r

blessed with three children: two girls who live in the larger house, in high sc

for this week's water supply," I sai

day at work," he wished a

tation, and there, my

d," I greeted the bus dr

ing late, Ayra," he

f because I knew I wa

s consistently packed every morning as we all made our way to work in the affluent part of town. The majority of us her

d hurriedly made my way off the bus. The journey from the last bus station to my work pl

the biggest casino in town, Eclipse Edge Casino. The anticipation of another day's hustle and bustle pulsed through

ayful grin. "Welcome to Eclipse Edge Casino, Ma'am. How may we assist you on this fine day?"

," I said with a hurried smile as I m

the building," Mr. Larsson, the head

knowing that I couldn't keep off

g ago. Go clean up the room," he instructed briskly befo

llins greeted him respe

" he replied in a

ll for the guest who just checked out?" he asked auth

replied confidently, assuri

ied as he asce

r. Larsson seemed to believe he held more authority than that. It wasn't within his purvie

while apron tightly, donned my black covered shoes,

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