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Word Count: 905    |    Released on: 13/04/2024


leave me. I'm beggin

eam again." I woke

nightmare, that haunting

ved in sacrificing for marriage, thinking it was best for a

ruggled to pay my school fees with her meager salary as a teacher. She pr

d heartbroken, after what she has gone through and sacrifice,this is what she gets. She vowed not to stay

and finally when we succeeded in talking her, she gave up the ghost in the car. I knew she's dead but

metimes. Why didn't she think of me? Why did she l

ept running through

ce, Mr Garret's youngest s

he greeted, on r

What's up so e

o see you," he

a did this time," I s

he mini waste bin was turned upside down

ed but from her demeanor, I know sh

ill clear up the mess immediately" I

laiming that married couples aren't as promiscuous like us, the unmar

hat" she replied as sh

ould help you"

it. thanks" I said as I

d, clearly stating that

im as I turned

d the innocent looking cat before turning to the m

ed from work as she

ight?" she aske

ter with Mr. Garrett today, cause I very well

night at the c

xtra tips,"

t the underground casino came. Ayra, that

't like tha

round because I don't have anyone


y I've seen, I'm being tru

cks on you," I joked, returning

you'll see," she lau

you" I called after her, preparing to cook l

feed my eyes with rich and Handsome dudes, unlike someo

change, Ayra" she asked,

n they make advances at you" she asked as she l

d, shying away

ake you feel good down there, unless

splashing little

leep" I tried to send he

talk about it" she sighed

y form of relationship. When I'm ready, I will definitely let y

ot sexy guy for you" she

ed as my thou

at happened to my mum to happen to me as well.

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