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Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 13/04/2024


d remarked teasingly as I hurried to the

xcuse every day," Luci

didn't bring my grandchildren. I'm still

lease forgive me, Mum," Lucian apolog

hat today is Saturday,

Ariel, right?" I said, getting back at him for s

gh to consider bringing a wife?" Dad que

his girlfriend, the

It's Ava," I interjected, feeling a tad

you should bring a good woman back home,"

e marriage, through thick and thin, just like your moth

ur perfect standards because I'm the one marrying her in th

d anywhere," Julian chimed in, trying to in

some designs to wrap up when we got here," Lucian reminde

work at the fashion house," Mum remark


was unlike any I had ever encountered before. It was serene and

fully embracing the moment," I w

my way to the bathroom to begin cleaning. Kneeling in front of the toilet sitter, I start

. After quickly cleaning my hands, I checked it, and to my delight, i

ine of the person I'

r another portion of the mone

ived it," came

half right?" I

re you confident you can meet the deadline? I don'

e promised to settle everything before th

he said, then abrup

igh, I continued wi


d Ava, still feeling the aftermat

softly, her fingers gently tracing circl

ell?" I inquired, suddenly rememberin

the designs I wore were bought,"

f," I replied, quickl

thing?" she asked, her ey

ed, quickly clos

a diamond necklace, crafted with

ught the bracelet I got f

py yesterday

o entered my room without permission. She must have

f, but he also brought thieves to the casi

n into police custody. I can't condone


head towards me , holding hand

's" I r

e for the da

n a long tiring day

and rest" Melissa suggested as she

en my alert?

straight to the supermar

of the month once we are being paid. So, this month, it's my turn to go buy

home and rest, we can buy the foodstuffs another da

me for ourselves, I will just go

safe okay"

she I replie

he gave me very serious. She some

said as I head o

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