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Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 13/04/2024


"God, how much did I have to drink last night?"

edly dialing her number, but the line remained silent, leav

, call me back," I made her voice note to her before setting the phone down on

ppiest person when he was put in charge of the casino and he spends most

om the illustrious and a

company and is happily married with two children. Following him is me, managing the tech startup a

ling in our indi

whenever he can. Meanwhile, Mum is actively involved in owning and ru

to her decision to adopt Olivia, fulfilling the daughter role she always lo

ountered one of the cleaners di

she greeted as she ke

recognize me since I

d way of working here?" I inquired, puzz

rooms without permission?" I asked,

nock, but there was no res

d. That's what a person with sound judgment would typicall

ur name?"

uttered, her respons

our belongings and temporarily vacate th

she said, sounding contrit

t, my phone b

greeted as I a

and unintentionally fell asleep,"

led me before going to bed. Y

girl there," she said, her ton

to doubt me?" I asked, putting the phone on loudspeaker as

she r

y house for breakfast already?"

l be heading out soon," I replied a

ur parents' house today?" she asked a

e you, so I'm definitely comi

later," I replied b

one for me. I'm committed to taking our relationship to the next level, marryin

rtly man as he hurried over to me

derful stay, sir?"

plied with a nod, ackn

our name?

n Sir" he

from here" I called but on a

ppropriate person to address. Since he's also a staff member here, I believe Julian would be the best perso


Casanova for my

ging room, my footsteps echoing in the hallway. Much to my sur

?' I greeted as I removed

ied casually as she

ecause she tends to leverage her connection wit

head of us and not

presidential rooms" she s

o finish cleaning everything before leavi

on asked me to tell you to take care of it

sing Mr Larsson to impose

eded, and she prompt

fore heading downstairs. I realized I forgot to ask her which of the p

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