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Chapter 6  ANASTASIA

Word Count: 1655    |    Released on: 08/04/2024

think about. He had won and I was done for. It was foolish of me to think I could escape Noah or my father. I bet he was smirking in the darkness, loving every moment of this. He s

you had left at night! Without a word, not even a note! Barely ten minutes later, I find out about my own freaking wedding which you obviously seem to know about considering the fact you know my fiancé's name. I didn't know what was going on so I ran. I ran to father, screaming at him, asking him where he had sent you o to but he didn't seem to know where you had run o to either and surprise surprise! Freaking Noah! My fiancé!” I paused, a bitter laugh leaving my lips. I didn't even realize tears were streaming down my cheeks. “You have no idea what he said to me tonight... He touched me, Arthur,” I whispered. In a surge of frustration and anger, I pounded my fists against my brother's chest, the physical pain a mere echo of the emotional torment that had consumed me. I could feel his tension beneath my blows, his blood boiling with a fierce protectiveness. I soon gave up on my futile attempts to hurt him. Collapsing into his arms, I clung to him, sobbing uncontrollably as I poured out everything I held in in the past few days, every sob wracking my body with the trauma I had endured. “He told me disgusting things he wanted to do to me tonight. I was scared. There was something o about him. I can't tell what it was but I know... there was something o,” my voice was cracking as I recounted all the horrific events that had unfolded, each word choked with emotion as I relived the nightmare that had become my reality. Arthur stood silently, seething with anger, his jaws clenched tight, his fists balled up in fury. His entire body trembled with the intensity of his rage, and his eyes blazed with an uncontained fire. Then, he sighed, his face morphing into a mask of anguish and regret. I could sense the turmoil churning within him, the guilt and self-blame that gnawed at his soul for leaving me vulnerable and alone in my time of need. “So much for a Batman and Robin getaway,” he murmured sadly. I looked up at him, “you were going to come back for me?” “I never left, Anna.” My brows furrowed in confusion, “what do you mean you never left? But the guards... they told me-” “I told them to say that. I found out about your wedding weeks ago, even before father made the deal with Noah. I couldn't let it happen. You know I've always hated him, even when he was your stupid boyfriend. Something just didn't seem right about him. So I made a plan, I couldn't let father know I helped you escape, he'd catch up to us way too easily so I fought with him and left so he would never suspect anything.” My mind was spinning as he spoke, I was barely making any sense of what he was saying. “I know this doesn't make up for disappearing on you again but I had to do something!

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