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Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 2 Wolfless girl

Word Count: 3091    |    Released on: 11/04/2024

2 Wolf-l



received good treatment. However, their true colors couldn't resist showing off after they adopted me. Adoption felt like a great idea to me then, and unknowingly, I had sold myself to unlabeled sla

r in our wolf form. I still haven't shifted, and I didn't think it would be a problem until that moment. The whole house went agog as they lamented about taking in a wolf-less and considered unfortunate person like me. I realized hatred has a diff

enes. Just when I had lost hope about ever becoming a full werewolf, I became a newly turned wolf on the night of my nineteenth birthday. It was the best moment of my life. I didn't want to change form and kept roaming around the woods in my wolf form. For the first time, the family did look excited on my behalf. The joy only lasted

tate of living is at its peak. The only thing that can save me from the claws of the Hayes family is meeting my mate soon. Every one of the children except Kingston and I is mateless, even though Caleb and Mindy sleep with other people

n or acceptance so far. Considering how much time it had taken me to sh

behind me, and I almost

oking pleased with himself. "Reall

ays scared about everything. It was just a

rk. "Nothing." Silence reigned between us

n support of whatever you decide on. I love my parents, but they haven't been th

ng, Kingston. I have g

a mate as your escape. But I wish you would take my help and get a job far from here. You do

en got to take the high school leaving certificate exam because of him, which I passed pretty impressively. We did all of this without the k

teful for everything you have done, Kingston. But what I nee

ep into my grey eyes. "So, the Alpha is holding a large banquet on beh

"is this what

le dress. It's happening tonight. You wouldn't get to know them since they hardly involve y

ntend to go?" An unpleasan

g at me with utmost disgust. I gulped uncomfortably, pulling at my shirt to cover my exposed neck

bish I hear you saying to her?

ion. He is always at loggerheads with his siblings beca

peful about attending the

he banquet just like everyone e

e. It's your fault that she dreams beyond these walls. I am tel

tared pitifully at me before running after her. For some reason, I find myself running after them. Nia,

t it was too late, and she was already standing in fro

Stephanie inquired, glaring

ingston is urging Nia to prepare for to

i cleared his throat, "Actually, Nia would be going to the banquet. She ca

Mindy w

hange in attitude is a different dimension of Levi and Stephanie, whom I have ne

, smiling. "Thanks so much, Mum and Dad." I found myself bowing and thanking th

; you should go and get ready. We

t Mindy. She would get back at me for that. But I care less right now.

ith it. There is no way I wouldn't be bringing home a mate tonight. My heart soared as I felt grateful for their support when I needed it the most. Despite looking all dolled up and pretty in her red ball dress, Mindy appeared unhappy, and her

the food was mouthwatering, and anyone could have whatever they wanted. Since I didn't have anyone to talk to the moment we arrived, unlike the others whose friends had gotten a hold of them. I made my way to the food table. I could feel Mi

rose at their peak, and I became restless. My eyes searched the room hurr

o meet the one person who would help me live freely, and maybe I would eventually have a dream. It felt like my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. I guess he was looking for me, too, and locking eyes with the tall, handsome, ginger-haired

is voice sounded li

p at him like he was an angel.

My heart stopped immediately. I swallowed hard, trying to make sense of the situation. I could sense some people becoming aware of u

is here..." He held the lady who stared up at him lovingly by the waist. "She is the love of my life and the only one I want to spen

g my voice. I blinked sever

because he is quite thoughtful of other people's feelings. Anyways, what he is trying to tell you in a sentence i

econd thought, I looked towards my adoptive parents again. They still had their eyes on me, even though it appeared discreet this time. Could it be that they are the ones behind ginger-haired rejection? But there is no possible way they would know my mate before me. I guess they are ju

m cursed, and freedom isn't in my fate. Still lamenting bitterly, I felt a firm hand grip my arm, pulling me along the

ston?" I asked, trying to

you aren't familiar with me." His voice sounded cold

him like he was running from someone. He didn't stop un

back to myself. He exhaled, glancing behind again. I noticed his eyes

Nia. I should have known something fishy hap

talking about?

on now; they hoped your mate would reject you. They h

t Al

a of our pack.

with all of the maidens assigned to serve him, and he buys off young ladies that catch his intere

. "Did they know that I would get rejected? Why would

no idea, and it worked out in their favor that you got rejected by your mate. Or, probably, they had something to do with it. Your actual mat

t and confused. I have no idea what to do next. Kingston knelt in front of

est of your life being a sex toy for the Alpha. I want you to run as far as your legs would carry you

disagreement. “Bu

a. Please go. That cash would help you rent out a room for the night. I promise to find you. Run, Nia, please. They would come out to find

heels as the tears returned and ran as fast as my legs could carry me with no destination. Just like I h

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1 Chapter 1 Life of Nia2 Chapter 2 Wolfless girl3 Chapter 3 Alpha Gael4 Chapter 4 A commodity5 Chapter 5 The half breed6 Chapter 6 Trouble calling7 Chapter 7 The concubine 8 Chapter 8 A man in the field9 Chapter 9 The meeting10 Chapter 10 Her friend Perry11 Chapter 11 Silly Gemma12 Chapter 12 Death Calls13 Chapter 13 Her Roommates14 Chapter 14 Loving siblings15 Chapter 15 Reselling the half breed16 Chapter 16 No mercy17 Chapter 17 No healer18 Chapter 18 The caregiver19 Chapter 19 The mistress20 Chapter 20 New Yorker21 Chapter 21 In Need Of A Healer22 Chapter 22 Her passion23 Chapter 23 The paintings24 Chapter 24 Nia the healer25 Chapter 25 The mental note26 Chapter 26 The messiah27 Chapter 27 Doing her job28 Chapter 28 No abortions29 Chapter 29 Loss of a child30 Chapter 30 A Royal Child31 Chapter 31 Freedom for Sarah32 Chapter 32 Huge pay33 Chapter 33 Consoling Nia34 Chapter 34 The Interrogation35 Chapter 35 Juicy pot36 Chapter 36 Circle of healers37 Chapter 37 Date with Nia38 Chapter 38 Erotic love39 Chapter 39 The rejection40 Chapter 40 The goodbye41 Chapter 41 Her outburst42 Chapter 42 The perfect body43 Chapter 43 The guest44 Chapter 44 His feelings45 Chapter 45 Revenge Mission46 Chapter 46 Her obsession47 Chapter 47 On the lookout48 Chapter 48 Wet Dreams49 Chapter 49 The honest truth50 Chapter 50 Not friends51 Chapter 51 An old friend52 Chapter 52 Philosophical thinking53 Chapter 53 Honest confessions54 Chapter 54 The council members55 Chapter 55 Daddy’s girl56 Chapter 56 The compliment57 Chapter 57 Gael is here58 Chapter 58 If you love someone59 Chapter 59 Drunk in love60 Chapter 60 His assurance61 Chapter 61 The quickie62 Chapter 62 Letting go63 Chapter 63 Her lover64 Chapter 64 His traumas65 Chapter 65 Her deceit66 Chapter 66 The discovery