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Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 4 A commodity

Word Count: 1086    |    Released on: 11/04/2024

4 A co


ish they desire. When I thought I could run and never return with Kingston's help, despite my broken heart and

wolf and half human is that you can never speed up enough or better than a full wolf. I have no idea how Mindy found out about me leaving whe

elf to a miserable life and accepting that I would never be free. I feel regretful now that I cringed away from getting killed by the rogue

to look appropriately and realized everyone had returned to having fun. Nobody bothered to look back to find out if I was okay. There are too many

need a seer to tell me it was full of money. Stephanie's expression was too clear, while Levi practically drooled at the sight. A guard handed the suitcase

have had enough attention drawn to me as it stands. Before I could get a chance to tell him that I appreciated his effort, I got lifted off the floor like a pile of trash and dragged toward a door by two guards.

change into it in the next ten minutes and wait for the Alpha t

would I be let off so quickly after the alpha paid such a significant bounty on my head? Sitting on the cold floor, I curled up against myself, reminisc

can't take any waterworks. My life has finally come to an end. I hear rumors that the Alpha discards the concubines whenever he feels dissatisfi

p. I am all by myself. Despite the pitiful state my entire body was in, tears refused to show themselves. I haven't been able to reach my wolf, and it's almos

ivered when the water hit my skin like melted ice. I stood under it, hoping the water would wash away the misery surroundi

. An odd chuckle rolled out of my lips; maybe this isn't a bad idea. But then, I know this is all a facade. When reality comes crashing, I hope

. My anxiety was getting the best of me, and goosebumps rose on my arm. It feels like prostitution. A few hours ago, I only wanted to

oze in my stance. The aura h

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