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Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 5 The half breed

Word Count: 2307    |    Released on: 11/04/2024

5 The ha


rsonally has me very intrigued. I knew she would have a fit when she eventually saw the dress on another lady, but I would worry about that later—probably take h

our name?

mumbled in

it didn't feel whole. Standing at the foot of the b

I have ever seen. Damn! Now I remember the exact reason I insisted on having her. Her


" I leaned in to smell her, and my breath hitched most dis

k on her innocent face.

in disapproval.

urriedly, "No, Alpha

go off. "What the hell? You are what ag

omfort was evident. "I am half human and ha

Do you know how much I paid for you?! Fifty thousand dollars! I paid that ducking amount for a cheap thing like yourself!” He gritt

what?" Sh

n irritati

for what? What did I do to you?

to kill those two who sold you off to me. It's no

ents! My biological

a monster like you. I can't even stand you right now. Your smell is re

y back from them; just let me go. I need t

generous enough to share it with you. You are a cursed being, and nobody should be near you. I have to do a ritual bath after this. I

guards stood rigid when I slammed the door shut. "Bolt the door and ensure she doesn't st

e known it would be a catastrophic end with that awful dream I had in the early hours of the mor

from my father's belief, and he considers humans as low beings who would bring nothing but sorrow to us. My grandmother had met an early death because of a human, and he swore never to have

and I don't remember her appearance. It's best that way. Hastening my steps towards the woods, Ezra seems to be making his way out of the packhouse at the same time. Because

ispleased?" He asked

alf-breed crossed my vision. "You wo

a hand on his chest.

questions to ask tomorrow. Send your men to get me, L

ant. Where are

y anger sizzle away. Would yo

must burn off the stress you

s go

am going to ask Gemma into my room. The bubbles I have saved up to get premium enjoy


Alpha didn't touch me and refused to get close to me. But my heart blew up into pieces at the pure hatred in his eyes when he heard o

the bed and sat at the foot of it, staring into nothingness. If I were back at home, I would have gotten myself busy with c

e. But an unfamiliar and unfriendly place like this worries me so much. I don't know if this will be my last day of living. With the Alpha's threat the

. All I can do now is cross my fingers and wait for the verdict. My heart races at any sound from behind the door. I'm trying not to hope to be alive anymore

about. But I was wrong. I don't need someone to save me. I needed to protect myself. I should have gotten some cash from the house and made

efore, and dragged me out of the room. It's useless trying to struggle with them. I want to save my energy

-like chair, staring intensely at me like an eagle. On my side laid my adoptive paren

must you say?" The Alpha's v

eeling. "I can assure you, my Lord, we thought you knew o

could all hear the Alpha mumbli

herous you all are. I paid such a large bounty on a mere pussy,

d the money back; just let us go." Stephanie seemed to disagree with Levi on the Alpha t

hadow in their midst, as no one seems to notice me. "I see you ha

been nothing short of a guardian angel to this girl. She was getting beaten by heavy rain underneath a tree in front of our house, and we helped her, fed, and clothed her. When we found out she was a half-breed, it had us heartbroken, and she didn't shift ea

so much passion. How can she say something like that? I observed everyon

id would be enough to cover for my m

n teaching her domestic work, and she does them well. All you mus

the essence of my existence? These folks are the worst set of people I have eve

hed into a tight frown. "That's it. You will work as my maid fro

please," I begged shamelessly. I wouldn't say I lik

want to see your face. I was hoping you could do your best never to show yourself in front of me. You disgust me, and I might wa

nd just like that, everyone walked out on me, leaving me

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1 Chapter 1 Life of Nia2 Chapter 2 Wolfless girl3 Chapter 3 Alpha Gael4 Chapter 4 A commodity5 Chapter 5 The half breed6 Chapter 6 Trouble calling7 Chapter 7 The concubine 8 Chapter 8 A man in the field9 Chapter 9 The meeting10 Chapter 10 Her friend Perry11 Chapter 11 Silly Gemma12 Chapter 12 Death Calls13 Chapter 13 Her Roommates14 Chapter 14 Loving siblings15 Chapter 15 Reselling the half breed16 Chapter 16 No mercy17 Chapter 17 No healer18 Chapter 18 The caregiver19 Chapter 19 The mistress20 Chapter 20 New Yorker21 Chapter 21 In Need Of A Healer22 Chapter 22 Her passion23 Chapter 23 The paintings24 Chapter 24 Nia the healer25 Chapter 25 The mental note26 Chapter 26 The messiah27 Chapter 27 Doing her job28 Chapter 28 No abortions29 Chapter 29 Loss of a child30 Chapter 30 A Royal Child31 Chapter 31 Freedom for Sarah32 Chapter 32 Huge pay33 Chapter 33 Consoling Nia34 Chapter 34 The Interrogation35 Chapter 35 Juicy pot36 Chapter 36 Circle of healers37 Chapter 37 Date with Nia38 Chapter 38 Erotic love39 Chapter 39 The rejection40 Chapter 40 The goodbye41 Chapter 41 Her outburst42 Chapter 42 The perfect body43 Chapter 43 The guest44 Chapter 44 His feelings45 Chapter 45 Revenge Mission46 Chapter 46 Her obsession47 Chapter 47 On the lookout48 Chapter 48 Wet Dreams49 Chapter 49 The honest truth50 Chapter 50 Not friends51 Chapter 51 An old friend52 Chapter 52 Philosophical thinking53 Chapter 53 Honest confessions54 Chapter 54 The council members55 Chapter 55 Daddy’s girl56 Chapter 56 The compliment57 Chapter 57 Gael is here58 Chapter 58 If you love someone59 Chapter 59 Drunk in love60 Chapter 60 His assurance61 Chapter 61 The quickie62 Chapter 62 Letting go63 Chapter 63 Her lover64 Chapter 64 His traumas65 Chapter 65 Her deceit