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Cheated Desire: Mistress For Hire

Chapter 2 Mistress for…hire

Word Count: 1279    |    Released on: 12/04/2024


the place where mommy and daddy had their

I already told the couple who are caretakers of our house about your arri

e with my silly and selfish requests. I am not a fan of materi

nage for homeless people and even animals. I'm more into charity w

because you did what you promised her ten years

are you leav

ining to become the next chairwoman. I'll continue that after

t a humble home! This is an expensive bungalow mansion in the middle of a farm and ranch! My d

zarina. Welcome home her

heads and look at me in the eyes. "Thank you. Can I h

of your luggage. Your room is ready. Take some rest first

ally need some s

go to bed. This jetlag will bug me for days. I close my eyes

horses. I also meet the black stallion that is being raised a

arm. There are twenty houses and families in there. The farm was 40 hectar

o told me that the previous owner died alone and entrusted this place to mom and

'm already tired from helping plant the tomatoes. Being

as surprised that I could work in such heat and learn

m here. You don't have to work wit

yway," I mumbled. They didn't get the cha

m here in town to see what kind of beauty this place h

ings and the beauty of this town, especially at dusk. On my w

nd pointing it in a certain direction. "You all deserve this!" h

can be a star witness if he shoots someone. My forehead w

ing?!" his secretary says. He grabs the

se…" I mumble

man and a woman hugging and kissing each other. They come o

ant to end this misery all at once!" he roars. His secretar

what I mean but ruining your hands with their blood is

side. "Let's go back instead and talk abo

ord but got inside the car. I hide mysel

oceries. I lost interest in going to the

ul memory that still haunts me. I locked

Netflix. I have to stop thinking of that past! At first, it helps but

oard. I was about to throw my laptop away when

curious and used my skills in hacking. I suc

r hire..." I

e expressions his eyes showed were full of pain, hatre

ur wife a lesson anyway. She should know the pain of being cheated on,"

r. I chose to wear a simple floral dress. It was bel

ople I'll meet up with. The door opens. I saw them entering the

ular and sexy. He also has a regal nose and sexy lips.

me intently. "Are we just here

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