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Cheated Desire: Mistress For Hire

Chapter 3 What a strange rented mistress

Word Count: 1224    |    Released on: 12/04/2024


her pristine beauty, pride, and dignity. I feel li

he contract and read it? We will never finish a thing if

ut it didn't work. I can say it very well. "

she gave me strange glances. She opened the fol

e written on the website is just an alias, right?

as if I were being dragged into a cold yet warm

ei Augustine." I s

tary handed her. It took her a couple of minutes to read the

essary, even in 4.4. I have no plans of asking for more or even disclosing se

istress for sex, Missy. You will know the story and your jo

. Relax, I know where I should walk. That's beneath your sha

pregnancy is involved. No falling in l

with such disgusted expression. She

f making my child an illegitimate son or daughter. Falling in love? N

eyes make her dangerous. A woman who can control her emotions w

had a beautiful, sexy, and alluring supermodel wife s

y for a particular job. She's not a hired mistress that I can

in a peaceful public place?" I sugges

talking about serious busin

car door for her. "Get inside. Le

riminal, Missy. Don't give me that look." I glared at her and showe

ng sure," she

ecretary to cook something for dinner. She was

sucks. Also, the only furniture you have is a small television

beauty. Czarina has an icy blue eye color that ma

t she's showing. Czarina's lips had rich ridges and they may

mething for dinner," I remark. I took my seat and she di

ed already. I was curious about Mistress's experiences, so I tried it. Life

lly think that beauty comes naturally? Give me a break. Your salary would be 30

palm on her forehead. Czarina st

couch and moves her face closer to mine. I thought she wou

r wife jealous. So, don't worry. I won't bear your child so rest assured that your wife will only be the sole mother

don't need it. All I want in return is to

questions first and I think you are obliged to answer me first before asking my reason. I ha

a supermodel and billionaire herself because of the projects she's

why did you want a mistress? That doesn't seem right. I know you're hiding something more… inter

wildly sex with my very own uncle. Th

ly flashed in her eyes. "So you're telling me that you want

ther reason why I want a mistress. I n

ow what my boss went through. Just like

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