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Word Count: 3107    |    Released on: 16/04/2024

don't care, don't contact me again unless you know something useful about those Russians" he growled at one of his men on the other side of the line before disconnecting their call a

to go back to their respective homes. The parking lot was already full of learners and all of them couldn't help but turn around at the sight of the man. The girls who recognized h

his best friend's number, he placed the phone over his ear and waited for him to ac

grumbled "I'm unable to lo

o pick her up.." Jackson stopped, took a deep breath in before conti


right across

s whereabouts and immediately made his way across the

squinting his eyes suspiciously at Damon. He

howing him a picture of Lillian. A smile spread across Os

head, Damon made his way in the direction. Music could be heard playing inside as he pushed the door open and from a distance,

said "I'll be right back" before walking away toward the locker rooms with Cameron. Their coach turned to see whom she was talking to and smiled at the man, lik

ed her teeth on the screen of her pho

's dance coach, you must be??" She introduced he

, I'm her father's friend" for some unknown reason, he never

d nonchalantly, he took out a pack of cigarettes and pulled out one. Sticking it between his lips before taking out his lighter and lit it. He took a deep br

go??" She asked, the woman pointed at the glass doors with discontentbefore getting her things and left. Finding her behaviour odd, what happened to her?? Lil

the paved ground and crushed it with his foot. He then took the girl's small hand in his huge one and crossed the street to get to his car. He opened th

he side in her seat to grab the belt and moved it

?" She enquired not ready for a

you home??" Damon asked, the question swinging between him possibly

stuttered trying to explain herself. Grumbling absurdities under her breath, Lilliana leane

e screen to unlock it, a notification appeared at the top of the screen… a reminder of her best friend's birthday that was on Wedne

mediately, causing a frown

king at him but he had his eyes s

at I'm doing, he didn't say anything about taking yo

na argued almost pleadingly but the man didn't seem t

d logged in an app to request an Ube

om the road to see if she wa

l get an Uber late

erritory on a daily basis, his best friend would sure

it back to the city which means you'd have just wasted your precious time" Lilliana said with a shrug, trying to

ned in defeat "fine" he said and imme

ay to the centre of the city "...Or cash, if you have some" she quickly adde

ge and turned the car's ignition off before stepping out of the car.

out his wallet and pulled out his black c

leaving him behind. The man took a seat in one of the chairs and looked at his phone all the while keeping an eye on the girl as she t

finally decided on a bracelet. A silver chain with beautiful intricates and diamonds decorating it but what really drew her attention to it was

ing Damon following close by and made her way toward the mall's exit into the underground garage. She ope

s side a minute later, Lilliana only chuckled strapping on her seatbelt. They rev

t for the girl to hear the contents of the call whatever they may be. He

les on Damon's clenched jaw. His grip around the steering wheel tightening in both anticip

took the Bluetooth device out of his ear, tossed i

e said warehouse. Suspecting nothing, Lilliana walked in the house heading straight upstairs to her bedroom with the shopping bags. Dropping them on her bed, she took off her

e was subjected to a tirade of abuse and different methods of torture from Jackson and some of his men. They had strangled him, beat him, broke some of his bones, peeled some of his fingernails and as a final

pared to what Damon was going to do to him once he arrived but the

t on his body that wasn't bruised His body hurt so much, in so many different ways that he couldn't focus on anything else. He hated being in his own skin more so that he felt death

in the room, moaning and groaning in pain with every breath he took. He stopped in front of him and grabbed a chair, placed it a couple of feet away from him and sat down comfortably leaning his back on

ith his initials engraved on its side "This is what we're going to continue doing, for every wrong answer you give I'll rip off o

ft, I'll think of something else but I will never let you die so I suggest you start talking" he leaned

Damon to show his disgust and disregard for the man, the blood landing on the man's shining shoe. Instead of losing control and snapping his neck out of anger, Damon calmly reached in his pocket and p

stopped on his dagger. Taking it back in his hand, he traced its sharp edge with his finger leaving a small crimson line behind

es were necessary and he would rather take hours of torture than give him up ...that's how terrified he was of his boss. But his determination and stupid show of his loyalty was slowly faltering as Damon work

d until he fell unconscious, he felt the side of his neck for a pulse and sighed when he had one but it was very faint. He couldn't afford to have the man die, if not answers to h

ette between his lips. Letting out a silver cloud of smoke he continued with a shrug "

e idiotic Russians who thought taking England from him was the best idea. It had taken him years to get all four countries of th

t much cocaine ...I'll go check on Lilly" he said before walking out of th

ay toward her. Scowling when the ball moved, as Snowflake cautiously lifted her head at the sound of approaching footsteps to see whom it was but soon relaxed when she noticed a familiar face and rested its head back on i

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