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Word Count: 2203    |    Released on: 16/04/2024

learners and some of teachers loitering in the school's parking lot. Lilliana unbuckled her safety belt and turned

andle, she gently pulled and then pushed the passenger door open. She then grabbed her backp

n standing next to a yellow mini-cooper with her backpack on the paved ground next to her feet. It was Lilliana's best friend Tessa, the two girls had known each other since childhood and like the girl, Tessa also was from a rich family.

ook?? Wasn't that.." she had seen her step out of the sports car earlier and coul

ana cut her off, pulling at

finished her sentence. Well aware of what she was a

d as Lilliana's, what DID change?? That was the one question she yearned to hear the

two made their way toward the

What did she expect anyway?? She really needed to start differentiating her reality from her fantasies. Damon was not

forget all that and tell me this… how did he look??" Instinctively, a shy smile tugged at the corners of Lilliana's lip

gh the double glass doors into the crowded hall

e shaved almost all of his beard leaving only a stubble.." she added, her face and voice noti

ext to Lilliana's used to belong to a boy from their school's basketball team. After some convincing and bribery, he finally curved and agreed to make the switch with Tessa but not before asking her to d

shful thinking because outside her head, Damon was never going to see her as more than his best friend's daughter and that w

aid, slamming her locker door close and swung h

she looked at her with a qu

ued with a shrug of her shoulders. The girl only shook her head in uncertainty and continued down the h

e their way to their usual tables next to the window by the wall, with Tessa sitting in front of the girl. Dropping her b

all the teachers in Roseville High, he was the most unliked. Few believed the subject he was teaching had a little something to do with the learners' dislike toward him but many argued that the problem was him.

ing her front. Following her example, Lilliana did the same. The once enthusiastic chatter in the classroom turned into silent whispers as all the learners tur

the teacher announced and a disapproving murmur arose from the learners. Unbothered by their negative response to his announcement, the middle-aged

to the front of the class. Turning around to face the learners, his eyes scanned the entire room movin

s to sit down. All the while, every head in the room bowed as if in a trance and t

l everyone to stop writing and said "...close your answer sheets and pass it onto the person in front o

lap, she cleared her desk throwing her pencil case inside the sack just as Mr Watson started "for your h

eal" with a pained look on his face. Chuckling softly Lilliana shook her head and looked at her wrist watch to check the t

ls and jumped out of his car. Leaving the key inside for the valet, he made his way into t

r the golden doors to open and waited. A minute later, his phone rang just a

immediately enqu

those greedy idiots, I'll handle this" and accepted the call before walking away. Damon got inside the elevator and pressed his thumb

ty hallway and made his way toward the only doors on that floor. Pushing t

irperson's chair just as the investors took back their seats. He stopped at the head of the table and unbuttoned his jacket, pulled the chair back a li

, there's been some changes. A lot of changes" and the next hour was spent discussing the rise and fall

ed and the rest of them nodded in agreement before turning to the man for his reaction. Damon

ing men and women. Loving how they all squirmed under his burning gaze and quickly looked away when their eyes met with his cold b

on and his presence made some of the investors swallow nervously, already regretting the choices they had just made. While o

is phone before leaving. Damon reached inside his pocket and pulled out his phone. The frown on hi

the investors “I'll deal with all of you later” before s

ne. Damon's hand tightened around the electronic in anger as he watched the video playing on the screen. It showed

out of him” he ordered, through clenched teeth and gave the phone back

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