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Word Count: 1535    |    Released on: 16/04/2024

they all rushed to the exit. Leaving their lockers, Lilliana and her friend Tessa also made their way toward the

in the car with her. The girl shook her head looking down at her wrist watch, there was still some time left

hen catch a cab home later" she said, drop

asked, looking at the Ice rink just across th

ed, shaking her head. Tessa nodde

ack, Lilliana made her way across the street toward the studio. Walking in, she approached the front desk for he

the paper lowered a little rev

he greeting with a smile,

ooking behind the girl. Cameron was

give them a chance to reconnect with teens their age. Do something different with their lives, which for her partner always seemed to be going out to get drunk whereas she wa

esk and reappeared a second later with a key in his hand. "don't s

locker rooms to change. She met Oscar when she was just five years old, when she first tried figure skating. H

ink. She sat down on one of the chairs and slipped on her skates. She took out her earpods and stuck each in her ears before logging in to her Spotify account. She pressed play on one of the playlists and sh

er to go back home. She walked back into the locker rooms to change out of her practice clothes and got in the shower to get rid of the smell of sweat hovering over her body like a second skin. She walked out a couple of

man on the front page. He had his arm wrapped around the blonde, slim, tall, tan skinned woman's waist and she had her perfectly red manicured hand flat on his chest. Her eyes analysed each of her insecurities from the woman

to that when she was just a high

utout fashion. Her hair was not blonde nor did she like the colour and no matter what she did, her pale skin refused to get tanned. She wasn't her type's type, she couldn't even become one even if she tried and that

came to a halt outside the tw

he stepped out of the car and pushed the gate open. She made her way up the driveway toward t

for dinner. Deciding on pasta and meatballs, she took out a packet of minced meat from the freezer and put it on the counter before walking to their grocery cabinet to get the spaghetti and immediately got to wo

e house from the living room, forcing her to leave her pots unattended to get it. She looked at the screen and a smile creeped up her f

ver happened. Her father always came home for dinner. It had even become some kind of a family r

watch. There was still plenty of time left, an hour and a half to be

work ...I don't think I'll b

o check on her pots, turning the stove off when the food was ready before grabbing her backpack and blazer from the living

study desk in her pyjamas and had her dinner before doing her homework, that took longer than expected. By the time she was done, it was already too late and p

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