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Falling For My Dad's Best Friend

Chapter 3 Fake It Till You Make It

Word Count: 2527    |    Released on: 20/04/2024


hocked, his eyes bulging out as if t

nitely not part of the p

his brows and adjusting his rimless spectacl

in deep trouble. Like,

e. It took about twenty minutes to reach the location and another five minutes to dodge the reception and slip into the (thankfully) empty elevator. But as

turned out that this nightmare was none other than Sean

ix-year-old Sean cringed at my choice of words and nervously bit his lower lip. "Shit! No, scra

at off his forehead. He was already tired of dea

urge to burst into tears. I felt humiliated, my face burning with embarrassment, and swe

entire Monroe family had been lately. And now that I was caught by the guy I practically grew up with, this job was doomed from the start. To make matters worse, I couldn't eve

e I'm exaggerating how bad my experien

oot to the other. "Sorry. I tend to say nonsense when I'm stressed. Wait, why is it so hot in her

cushioned chair next to the door, burying my f

you the sam

h, why bother? Haven't you already figured it out?" I knew I was being rude and had no justification for it...

think how disappo

ink I wanted this? To get caught with an escort who happens to be a ch

cept for hiring an escort... but I was the last person to judge. After all


true. "I'm... I'm furious with myself. This... was

?" he remarked, frowning again. "Because you don't se

ean somethin

u're not the only one

tell, his family wasn't going bankrupt, his mother wasn't pressuring him to seduce the wealthy man next door, and his brother w

me. My shoulders slumped. "I won't breathe a word about this if

of his phone. He scowled as he retrieved it from his pocke

wn my spine. His words filled

r, leaping out of bed and going into full panic mode. "I

early? Wait. Did you contact another escort? What the hell, Sean?

I felt offended. But sc

ven...?" He appeared equal

am I suppos

have time for this!" He turned and headed towards the door, gr

en touch the doorknob, we w

idened, and he almost let out

sn't the

glance as my heart po

e I shot him a bewildered one, won

quietly, using his hands

w," I whispered, keeping m

d my arm, and pulled me to the far

tried to convince them that I wasn't interested. With all the workload, I had very little time for an

u're rambling. We don'

didn't believe me. They labeled me as gay. And not in a supportive or understanding way, but in a derogatory manner. They were mocking me. It was too much to handle


ounds terri


, tha

ystery girl?" I could feel bile rising in my throat. "What

ut yeah, now that you put it that way, they make me

d Sean know about my part-time job, but now his frien

or interrupted any wo

'surprise' or something? How does this even work?" Confusion ove

aiting for my signa

less. I used to think my life was a disaster, but

ned that I was seeing someone, they wanted p

sed an eyebrow a

udge?” he averted h

I have far more important things to do than



come to an end right now. I couldn't continue living like this, consumed by dread. Whateve

p. "What? Are you crazy? I'd rather they keep knocking ju

y fair share of jerks in life. Your friends outside are no diff

"You're right. What are we going to

taking over—but Sean's words kept resonating in my mind. Stupid conscience. He was right. I had been too absorb

mpletely blank here. D

. I had an idea, b

for you to keep you

e looked

rd what

n. "As long as I'm not ready to face

d his hand and pulled him towards the

cked away. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What

t like you're so innocent right now. Get your ass back here and


e floor, pushed my skirt down, kicked off my heels, and climbed onto the bed. There were four pillows. I tossed two of them ont

esitantly joined me within a minute. Unsure of what to do, he stayed o

eckoned him, and he

nk we

I change my mind and leave you

ed resisting and fol

the first time I realized how strong and muscular h

... are

dn't. But he was already in a panic, and

nd dialed his cell phone

my brow.

aised an eyebrow. "W

r you to imitate

even with my heart racing, I could hear the cli

re appr

ly rolling us over, straddling him. The impact

an exclamatio

up my body and into my hair, and moaned lo

with a mix of shock and awe. "Do you

aning down to kiss his neck. "I'

o the door, I could hear m


re the sheets concealed our lower bod

incing, I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra. The sound

y hips while thrusting upw

I thought

and the door close, signaling t

onto the mattress beside him, both of us breathless and

into laughter, and once he

f!" he exclaimed, turning to face

cross my face as I jo

rything seem

that's how

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1 Chapter 1 First Night2 Chapter 2 Dinner Party3 Chapter 3 Fake It Till You Make It4 Chapter 4 Only For The Time Being5 Chapter 5 Short Notice6 Chapter 6 Good Girl7 Chapter 7 Five Minutes8 Chapter 8 Late. Again9 Chapter 9 The Dinner10 Chapter 10 Disaster11 Chapter 11 Argument12 Chapter 12 Attention13 Chapter 13 Interference14 Chapter 14 Threat15 Chapter 15 Exhausting16 Chapter 16 Buried Knife17 Chapter 17 Asshole Brother18 Chapter 18 So Broken, So Beautiful19 Chapter 19 Doritos20 Chapter 20 Tip Of The Knife21 Chapter 21 Wink-Tongue22 Chapter 22 You're the worst!23 Chapter 23 More Time24 Chapter 24 Pass Out25 Chapter 25 The Memory26 Chapter 26 Come All Over27 Chapter 27 Regret Us28 Chapter 28 Silent Auction29 Chapter 29 In The Memory Of30 Chapter 30 What The Hell 31 Chapter 31 I Just Know32 Chapter 32 Try To Understand33 Chapter 33 Burn Myself34 Chapter 34 A Good Kid35 Chapter 35 What Can We Do 36 Chapter 36 Who Are You 37 Chapter 37 Grumpy Man38 Chapter 38 Want To Go Somewhere 39 Chapter 39 Instant Noodles40 Chapter 40 Moment Of Passion41 Chapter 41 So Much It Hurts42 Chapter 42 Without Hesitation43 Chapter 43 Breakfast In Bed44 Chapter 44 Go Back In Time45 Chapter 45 Time and Place46 Chapter 46 Hurtful Words47 Chapter 47 Fragile Peace48 Chapter 48 Societal Judgments49 Chapter 49 Inappropriately50 Chapter 50 No Experience, No Qualifications51 Chapter 51 Consequences52 Chapter 52 Escape Reality53 Chapter 53 Who Is It 54 Chapter 54 One Step At A Time55 Chapter 55 Adventure Island56 Chapter 56 Epilogue (1)57 Chapter 57 Epilogue (2)