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Falling For My Dad's Best Friend

Chapter 4 Only For The Time Being

Word Count: 2175    |    Released on: 20/04/2024


I deadpanned, giving a slight eye roll as

nto each other anytime soon. We made a deal to keep each other's secrets, a win-win situation. But now

ght sight of him. I needed to find out what the heck was going on. I was still in my pajamas, wearing a too-small t-shirt that barely c

t everything changed when my dad's enterprise failed. Now, my dad was chasing some kind of miracle to save us, while my mom was eager to sell me off. She'd lose it if Sean's last name got anywh

sing the door as I climbed inside. He joined me in the

as a joke. But instead of taking it in the light

o can't appreciate a good sense of hu

hway, I finally all

barrassed. "Hey, I'm sorry for startling you l

give him a hard time about the mini heart attack he put me

wasn't annoyed by the urge

e. None of my classmates knew about my past, the person I used to be before our lives changed forever. To them,

lready apologize? And to answer your question, it

I thought we agreed nev

ervously biting his

ne. Anyone but Coraline. If his sister found out my secret, she would make a spectacle

was s

had jumped the gun and it was all in my head. “Wha

eacted. Was it my t

eepishly, and the apology on the

n't have sounde

grab some coffee?" He raised an eyebrow, trying to focus on the road whil

to escape his car and never see his face again. Yet there was something about the way he looked so crestfa

re was a va

open mind before reaching a final verdict

be the one to determine if hi

was a poorly cooked batch of noodles prepared by my mom, who hadn't set foot in the kitchen during our days of we

it. He said it w

he had gotten himself into this time. Yesterday, his obnoxious frien

arms on the table. "Ava... we've known each other for a long time. You and Cora w

ave all day." I still had classes to attend and grocery shopping to do, which my brothe

s time. I understand," he rep


lems," he blurted out, and it took me a momen

even speak, S

describe my secret job as an escort before giving up and waving his hand as if to say, "you know what I mean. You don't have

lp but notice how he seemed to be sweating more than necessary, indica

mother seemed too preoccupied to fully understand what her child needed. I tried not to let

ed out and gently squeezed my han

re you

y hand away, running it through my tangled ha

djusted his glasses. "I haven't had a girlfriend since I broke up wit

to men," I finished his

it it, you know? My dad is so traditional, straight as can b

feeling a tug in my chest, acutely aware of the hypo

's where I ne

her?” I blurted out, choking in

er. "No, silly. All I want is

n the wrong way an


ed, dabbing at myself with

offering me more napkins. "My parents' anniversary is next week. If I do

ust think about it. It's not such a bad deal, right? Think about all the time you'll have to pursue your own dreams, the ones

family... you have no ide

who else to trust, and you

ld’ve known this was goi


took a deep breath and tried to clear my head. "But just so you know, there'l

ition amusing, he cer

parked right outside our building. Yet, there it was. A shiny black car lined up

ar-old girl who lived right across from our apartment, s

waved to her, an

I heard the voices emanating from inside

n the first face came into view the second I pus

rth was he

actically dragged me over to greet Brian Reinhold, who was seated next to my da

hat couch. Can you imagine the embarrassment i

d dreams that still lingered in our apartment. But maybe I never truly did. Not when he was th

Brian spoke, his voice as deep and captivating as I

f relief when my dad spoke up instead. "She's too proud to ask for help," he infor

arely above a whisper. I heard every word clearly

that surged up my neck. It was as if his fingers wer

l warmth and unease in all the place

Ava?" he proposed, directing the question at me, b

ou ser

arrangement, though. Think of it as a six-month program. Ample time for you to showcase your skills and prove yourself. If yo

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1 Chapter 1 First Night2 Chapter 2 Dinner Party3 Chapter 3 Fake It Till You Make It4 Chapter 4 Only For The Time Being5 Chapter 5 Short Notice6 Chapter 6 Good Girl7 Chapter 7 Five Minutes8 Chapter 8 Late. Again9 Chapter 9 The Dinner10 Chapter 10 Disaster11 Chapter 11 Argument12 Chapter 12 Attention13 Chapter 13 Interference14 Chapter 14 Threat15 Chapter 15 Exhausting16 Chapter 16 Buried Knife17 Chapter 17 Asshole Brother18 Chapter 18 So Broken, So Beautiful19 Chapter 19 Doritos20 Chapter 20 Tip Of The Knife21 Chapter 21 Wink-Tongue22 Chapter 22 You're the worst!23 Chapter 23 More Time24 Chapter 24 Pass Out25 Chapter 25 The Memory26 Chapter 26 Come All Over27 Chapter 27 Regret Us28 Chapter 28 Silent Auction29 Chapter 29 In The Memory Of30 Chapter 30 What The Hell 31 Chapter 31 I Just Know32 Chapter 32 Try To Understand33 Chapter 33 Burn Myself34 Chapter 34 A Good Kid35 Chapter 35 What Can We Do 36 Chapter 36 Who Are You 37 Chapter 37 Grumpy Man38 Chapter 38 Want To Go Somewhere 39 Chapter 39 Instant Noodles40 Chapter 40 Moment Of Passion41 Chapter 41 So Much It Hurts42 Chapter 42 Without Hesitation43 Chapter 43 Breakfast In Bed44 Chapter 44 Go Back In Time45 Chapter 45 Time and Place46 Chapter 46 Hurtful Words47 Chapter 47 Fragile Peace48 Chapter 48 Societal Judgments49 Chapter 49 Inappropriately50 Chapter 50 No Experience, No Qualifications51 Chapter 51 Consequences52 Chapter 52 Escape Reality53 Chapter 53 Who Is It 54 Chapter 54 One Step At A Time55 Chapter 55 Adventure Island56 Chapter 56 Epilogue (1)57 Chapter 57 Epilogue (2)