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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1358    |    Released on: 23/04/2024

appened ye

en she finally gathered her thoughts, sh

nd the waves of delighted

a’s hea

up in that old man’s bed now!” said a

h that voice. The girl speaking was Sa

her career in showbiz two years ago a

t happened, Is


y much, and so did her pare

the walls of

been overjo

ity as her, which was not the

heir shared love for Samantha, she had

een distant


, she was told a j

ad been swapped af

ome in the past week no

truth, but as someone w

had been kept in th

Mr. and Mrs. Lang, did n

up yesterday and informe

most famous five–sta

lla had gone ther

heat rushin

realize that


ho did i

lled Mrs. Tho

ore they set o

n it as Mrs. Thompson’s wa

et h

so wistful at

mind that

her parents no matter wha

baby back then and that she was not related to

cruel reality

nd too

he house again. and interr

hompson’s voi

eap girl. She is not in

d are a big star. Even if she’s the true daughter of t

got admitted into a third– class university. I don’t think that

y has shown up yet. Their a


been belittling her since she was yo

at the Lang family would never discover this

o worry about. After we re

stand a chance to return to the Lang fami

and cocky without the indifferenc

sent a chill d


f I were just a pet, there should have been a dee

full of venom and cut Isa

eart. She fel

g in he

ld Mrs. Tho

“You’re the best, Mom. Only my true mom


all my love is reserved for you instea

her finger. Isabella had never seen such a ten

o Isabella th

. She just didn’t want to

Dad should apologize to you. If we weren’t just an or


had a glimpse of how rich people lived their lives. So

in a family

aving your in the care of the

n caressed S

uilt and other complica

tions in them and answered softly, “No. I know

tually glad that the Lang family found out my true

by her words. Mrs. Thompson said emotionally, “

is in mind.

d you and p


r place in the Lang family. What belongs to th

s eyes gl

. Thompson’s arm. “Thank you, Mom. Sammy loves you.

ammy with adoring smiles. She was

a, they had ne


felt it was ironic. At that moment,

pt the loving moment of the parents and their daughter. U

er fee

d them was filthy, and the thought o

rned around

neighborhood, a silvery–gray

to it, but that car slowly

ks and saw a handsome f


n?” Isabella heard the yo

l v

y found that he had features that resem

t ide

at the contour of her face


wn at her fee

od, “Yes

ith a sneer, “We asked to see you and the Thompsons

cause no one from the Lang fami

pick you up.

t in th

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