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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1311    |    Released on: 23/04/2024

rs. Thompson. “Didn’t we strike a dea

her visit you from time to time. So why did Sammy say t

llent girl, and she thought that t

a away

the thought of l

allow that

waved her hand and said, “Nothing. We didn’t s ay

st a pointed glance

s of h

the wordless Isabella. She was insta

sabella a scathing look and asked in a steely vo

y and just stared at

Miss Thompson. She didn't say anything to

ear, and her voice was firm when she co

your biological daughter, after all. So I thin

son could allow me to come back to

believe her ears an


on this matter. You will be the daughter of the Lang family forever. Anyo

s flicked to Isabell


aid, “Sammy, in our hearts, you are o


rather not have given birth to Isabella so that s he wo

on kept quiet but w

rried on wit

ye, but she is our daughter too. Maybe we should correct this mistak

u go back o

at Mrs. Thompson and swung Samantha behind her, fear

hick. Anyone would be touched by the g

lla still look

engrave everything they said and did on her

d shook her head while shooting Isabella concern ed glan


“I’ve got the wrong idea? If you didn’t

on. The daughter of the Lang family wi

her p

ng helpless and lowered her head t

y. cut in, “Mrs. Lang, there’s no need to freak out. Samant


swapped by accide

to make their daug

ld do anything to keep Samantha u

id and did was just

kick Sam


looked at Isabella in disbelief. Her

ted Isabella to

. Thompson, Samanth

fusion, trying to figure out whether she had

of face revealed n

th tears swimming in her eyes. “Bella, I' m sorry that we a

ive you every

h for you to take, b

ncerely hope we cou

could you say som

ked and couldn’t

son held his wife'

d heavy–h

r and snapped her head up from Mrs.


e been through so many hardships to


said I would contend with you for anything. I've agreed t

a blow to them whe

rong baby

ugh time for

so selfish? Can’t y

easier for o

sabella were sharp,

t was f

ghteous and caring

son parents, who s

ella without

actful, kind, and s

s so heartless a

y looked at Isabella with m

y commoners, short–sighted and

if they accepted Is

she would keep pic

ess troubl

e what the Lang fam

just stran

es at her, she said

I heard Dana Shan

for the Lang famil

people lived

ause she wanted her daughter to g

Mrs. Thompson

ver call her “Mom

to be he

Isabella with a pained expression and trembled as if

hompson hurrie

ed and dashed

than saw that i

ella just stayed p


felt even mor

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