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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1160    |    Released on: 23/04/2024

t the handsome young man who was related to her.

nd the whole situation v

out loos

got into the car. There were indeed things tha

man’s face, but the next second, he took on a d

e Thompson family. Before long, Mr. and Mrs

em got into the car,

re too. Mrs. Thomps

t are you d

eyes tiredly and r

nd ran int

expected Isabella to be on that old ma

at is all that mat

gratiatingly, “Mr. Lang, we dote on Bella a lot. Pleas

d that Bella was a spoiled girl who

d, and her pale lips. curled into a sarca


t Mr. and Mrs. Tho


,” Jason

o be nice because it was Samantha’s b

d not pay attention to Isabella and nat

fferent. She had be

ince she got

o Mrs. Lang’s, she felt like a bucket of ice– cold water

dered whether Mrs. Lang would waver after seeing

. “Why? Why am I not my mother’s bio

the Lang family, she wouldn’t b

ry girl, but that mocking smile on Isabella’s face j u

y lived. In the hall of the Lang famil

rman of the Lang Group. He was over 50 year s old, but

pe and had an elegant air about her. Pe ople who didn’t kno

flesh and blood. So it’s just a matter o

ing her new daughter. “What about Sammy? Wha t will

ved her with her whole heart. Sammy ha d been brilliant sin

she had never met. She wouldn’t be able

l considered Saman

oment. Deep down, he sh


mily’s bloodline, af

her exi

lied quickly,

city. We can also give her a dowry in t he future. She won’t be able to

let her take anythi

le dime!” Mrs. Lang said fiercely, her pretty fac

o say something w

s wal


to remind them

n on Mrs. Lang sa

and they heaved a sigh of relief. They could tell

o know that Isabella

my in the L

ked utterly

the attitude of he

not disappo

the Lang family and the Thompso

r gaze with an indi

stunned at the

speechless from shock. “She loo

bella had been raised in an ordina

ted isabella to do

in s

hi. She has no manners!”

herself down and noticed that Isabe

n he saw Isabella’s face, which bo

el disappointed when Is

way more tact


, Samantha cal

after hearing her daughter’s gen

in Samantha’s eyes, her

here. You don

the latter obediently walked over

oulder like she had done as a child and continued

changed dramatically, and she

t fluste

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