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Clashing With My Boss

Chapter 3 Arrogant

Word Count: 1127    |    Released on: 24/04/2024


e out, you are a good gu

ma'am" Myles smile

ered him cash but h

s my job to serve y

e elderly woman

ing as he was about to

hone and saw my w

ssing me that much?" He smiled and answered the c

said and hung up. He start

peared bl

ng? Why are

oss something very urgent came a

ot home. His eyes widened as he saw the tenan

ked there with almost fi

, and his grand

He asked, and the landlo

return all your money" The lan

es will buy a land where people are renting? Does t

ryone to vacate this place" Je

eless with all that beauty?" M

cked Myles but she sto

ood before him, their ey

you are talking

or the apostle Paul?" He

ing from him. She was astonished that something could smell stronger than her perfume. T

time someone will be challenging her without flinc


ou are. Why would you buy land where people are staying? What do you want th

ma Patricia c

Stop me Mr. Myles?" She asked

d have mercy on us" Gr

at only on one cond

tion?" Myles aske

, observing the curious

nd you will obey everything


y problem with

ou, FYI, I have a b

for me or everyone will vacate this building, look a

ooked back to see grandma Patricia

se people and us, we can't be homeless

pleading and pitiful look in their eyes

on grandma's hand, a

I'm not an easy one

row, be at my castle before 8am, I

d ran to her, he placed the ca

gave him the card but

miled arrogantly, and th


cut off the landlord ru

the card; he held grandma's

ispersing with a reli

own as they

ia sighed befo


replied, l

y hope, she is the richest female billionaire in America, the ri

rking there, I never plan on leaving that job but I'm going

might change working

tand her words but he smil


n as Everest kept scatt

othead in

hing for his

gasped loudly as she saw

is elde

e asked, and Everest loo

my credential

go job huntin

t that there's a vacancy for the secretary,

to take a step when he cam

them" H

ccessful, owned by the second riche

e rearrange my

t bribe me" She

e" He

y me ice cre

se" He


down but a frown appeared on her face immediately sh

coexist together. Their hatred for each ot


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