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The Forgotten Princess Amora's story

Chapter 2 They Meet

Word Count: 1016    |    Released on: 24/04/2024

ast as she could back to the castle. Once she got to the stables she hurried off of her horse. She took off the saddle and put silver in his stall. As she went inside to her room she could not get

at kind of human had such cold

ondered why did those eyes look like they were just as captivated by her as she was by them. But why, she was nothing special, just average looks. She was not a stunning beauty like most of the nobles and other princesses. Yes she was smart and artistic and talented and had a lovely singing voice that she almost never shared. But those were not the things any one valued yet those were the things that made up who she was and she had nothing else. She headed to the

wants the title and money if you flirt with ev

o court Amora. However there seemed to be little to no interest in her at all. Once everyone was announced she would sneak off to a quiet corner to hide. Its not like she would be missed at all anyway. The guests had all arrived and announced but Amora had kept her head down for the most part; she had not even notic

ey still had any royal

s on the other hand was just having fun flirting and not really taking it seriously. Just as Amora was sneaking off to watch from the quiet corner she had picked out. A hand gripped her wrist when she looked up she saw the blue eyes she had seen in the forest. This time it was different. His body was not hidden by a shadowy mist like before. H

I am Prince Oneiroi of Ar

eiroi I am Amora" she g

mile. He wasn't sure what was coming over him as he had ne

not any good" she says with a

ght to himself as he waited for her to take his hand. Amora placed her hand in his and let him lead her to the dance floor. Once they started dancing

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