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The Forgotten Princess Amora's story

Chapter 5 The next morning

Word Count: 1060    |    Released on: 24/04/2024

things after the fright of her dream. Splashing water on her face helped c

ng. After trying to focus on the book she just can't and puts it down. She lays there r

something bad that's going to hap

the bed for several hours. He finally awoke and ran his hands through

blood. He then took the body to the kitchen and had the staff cook it up. He sat at the head of the table in the dini

the study to read up on some magic basics. It will help to strengthen his magic skills. Since its b

nds out who and what I am?" He says to

ad shoulders and a very muscular upper body. Way over the average man's height. His face was the scariest part with four b

is books and it was time for him to start practic

e small spells will help flex his magic and build hi

showered and dressed then headed down to eat something. Helios was on cloud nine when thinking about hi

' room that morning after spending all night in his bed. She had a huge grin on her face. She always had a thing for Hesperus. She was so pleased when he grabbed

y he begins to eat the food that was placed in front of him. He couldn't help picturing the perfe

n't shake the feeling that the dream was a foreshadow of things to come.

ub and starts to daydream about the prince who danced with her. I wonder if I will see him again, it

ves at the elbow. It also has a silver belt that met at a v in the front and then hung down the length of the dress

he is only really half paying attention. As h

he did last night. He turns off the shower and dries off. Once back in his room he gets dr

er" he greets his t

esperus" Helios says as he i

elf with only one woman?"

he is perfect, how could I n

l women out there how can you not w

y one I want will soon be my bride." Helios

all as she sits at the end of the table. The kitchen staff drop a bowl of plain porridge in front of her

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