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Deceitful Desires: A Billionaire's Betrayal

Chapter 4 The Perfect Lie

Word Count: 1445    |    Released on: 25/04/2024

confused. She has started so she might as

but I'd love to go home.” she said,

, she froze on the spot. Do I have

t bluntly before she could ev

let me mourn her passi

lying, Her parents had a kid before Kira, but it was a still birth and she died before

g, she just lied about the cau

hoping her spirit doesn't appear before

couldn't drive, She took out her cell pho

y or anything, why is sh

that phone of yours last night due to her

home? I can't drive si

you think of me? A broad guard? Or

” Kira snapped walking passed him

t waiting just by the car, she

hing?” He asked as soon as he saw her w

I'm sorry, you need to try harder.” Kira

d Kira looking up to k

He says to him, his assistant took a short bow th



ing me as I got in,

On the way home, Kira just took a break to reason everything that's been happening these

round, this looked nothing like her neigh

aron?” His face scrunc

ight now. She knows you w

could feel h

ht she t

d shortly last night becau

d his mother, but it was more of a caught doi

sprang up immediately at the m

e's mother, can you take me home already?” Ki

d don't worry, I wouldn't introduce you as anything, you'll just

e had a choice, they've gone too far for her to stop besid

eyes all through the ride, but then got interrupted

e mansion was a painted white and yellow mansion, a bit of gold on the sides which brought o

halt, he got out t

in five minutes.” he sa

e picked up her cell phone to call Amelia.


on the couch with a sour look on her face. She was d

issed off” Baron

elping matters, rem


flight got canceled?”

wise to go chasin

s!” he said almo

o you but you sen

That's the girl you want me to

duce me a grandchild, since your fath

ve a girlfriend?” Both his mother a

? One that I don't kno

are you sayin

in my car right now. I was meant to introduce her

car?” She looked at me with a fro


ng introducing these two?” Ba

ing on and on about it?” He frowned, then w

as she dashed out to go se

, then gasped as so

l. Oh my goodness.” Ye

een a ghost, she was the m

rry pardon my s

on what was going on and why his mother was huggi

ect girlfriend for you” his mother s

s could kill then I'd be dead by now with the look she was giving

served, you have to


s this and you hid her away from me?” She says sharply, oh goodn

odded as they both watched

him a glare

he hell is going on here? Why is your mothe

ome meat

rned t

he asked, Bryan looking at him eve

lanation for that. As for me, I do

n assi

tioned turning he

t you to breath


my girlfriend to my mother.” Bryan stepp

she sc

, that

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