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Deceitful Desires: A Billionaire's Betrayal

Deceitful Desires: A Billionaire's Betrayal



After telling a perfect lie and hiding under the shadow of her illness, Kira falls helplessly in love with him despite the fact that it was a pretend marriage. Bryan, faced with the choice of getting married or forever get scolded by his mother, somewhat entangles with Kira, as they both build their relationship on a lie that would in future break them up.

Chapter 1 Bad news

This was by far the worst news Kira has ever heard in a long time or possibly in her life. She sat in the hospital chair as she waited for the news to sink in, but it was too big of a news to sink in, Lia looked at Kira with tears in her eyes, she looked like she had seen a ghost.

For a minute the earth stopped and the hospital smelt like hell, like She had just sped off to hell and returned in one piece. Kira adjusted her hair which was blocking her perfect view of the doctor, as he sat there with a sad expression on his face, the pen he held which he had just signed on her hospital papers to signify that she was dying soon hit her like a rock.

It was not until moments later that Kira felt her lips become so salty,

“Ma'am, there's no need to cry. All you have to do is to take heart and begin to start treatment if we can beat it.” He added, his face was pale from emotions, just as it was hard expecting this news from him, it was also difficult to tell her initially.

“So Doctor, what do we do? How do we even_oh goodness gracious” Lia broke down in tears as she sniffed her nose, Kira collapsed back at the chair, her body was Still in mortal shock, She stood up slowly taking the results with her and turning to the door.

“Ma'am?” The doctor called out of concern, Lia stood up abruptly as she turned to him,

“Don't worry about it, I'll take care of her from here,” Kira heard her telling the Doctor as she shut the door behind her.

“It can't be possible.” Kira said to herself again, she walked down the hallway of the hospital, patients looking at her as she pondered on what to do next. She then saw the look on the nurse's face, she was sad as well, she hated this atmosphere. In anger, she walked out immediately,

“Kira! Kira, hold on!!” she heard Lia scream her name. And with that she crashed to the ground, fresh tears began dropping, she was not strong enough, Kira wept.

“This is not possible, I can't_” Lia wrapped her around, as she pulled Kira to her.

“It's going to be okay.” She tried to console her but nothing could console Kira at this very moment.

“We'll fight this.” She says to Kira, with a more assured tone.

“How! Lia my wedding is in two weeks! How am I supposed to tell Lan this news? It would break him.” Kira says in between sobs.

“But he loves you. This is the crucial time he had to prove it. For better for worse right” she asked her, then took her gaze up at her, kira was looking pitiful.

“For better for worst? Lia, I was damn diagnosed with a terminal disease that is going to claim my life soon enough and you tell me it's going to be okay? How?!! How is Lan meant to deal with this?” Kira looked at Lia, it was hard enough to get Lan's mother to like me and now this? The moment she hears I'm a dying corpse she was going to tell Lan to let go of me.

“Lan would be with you till the very end. He has fought with you right? Even up against his mother. That should be enough reason to have hope and not to doubt him, Okay?” Lia says to her more assuredly. She was the pillar for Kira right now.

Amelia, whom she calls Lia or rather prefers to be called Lia, has been Kira's best friend since high school. They've been together since everything became something. She was meant to be her chief bridesmaid in two weeks time but it looks like a slim chance of that happening.

She hugged me, as she gave me soft pats on my back, I was rest assured, I have her amd that was all that matters to me.

Lia flagged down a taxi, heading home. Kira was worried, if not tense. They finally got home and the last person Kira wanted to see right now was positioned on her porch, with a bouquet and a wild smile on his face.

As soon as they both got down from the car, his smile widened.

“I see you two went to have fun.” Lan says with a small smile, Lia flashed a small smile then whispered to Kira,

“Take a deep breath and let him know, Okay.” She says to Kira, then turns to Lan as she takes Kira’s bag heading Inside.

“Hi Lan. Good to see you.”

“Hello..” he then turned to Kira, he guessed noticing something was wrong because by now if not Kira would have jumped on him wrapping her arms and legs around him like a little kid but she was withdrawn and sad.

“Is anything the matter, Babe?” He asked me, taking the bouquet down fearing he might upset her the more,

Such a caring man!

“I need to tell you something.” Kira said after taking a few deep breaths. Lan looked at her. This time he was lost for words as the suspense raised a little.

“Is anything the matter? What happened out there, that you return so gloomy than the usual you?” He asked, she stood there and just like that, a tear betrayed her strong self and pricked down her cheeks, this felt like she was giving her last goodbyes.

“Babe, talk to me!” He scolded a little in fear, as he looked deep into Kira's eyes,

“I'm sorry…” that was all she could say.

Lan's face scrunched in confusion,

“Sorry? About what exactly, Kira?” The air was becoming misty, She took a few deep breaths looking at him to see if he was ready to receive the news,

“Kira talk to_”

“I have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis!!” Kira says, immediately, the bouquet in his hands fell to the ground.

The look on Lan's face was wild as he looked at Kira like she was some statue.

“What did you say?” He asked again, and this time she just knew it was over for her.

Kira began to sob again,

“Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?” He called again, she nodded half heartedly.

“Do you know how deadly that disease is?” he began, no in his crazy imagination would he believe that his bride to be had become so vegetative to get married to.

“We can work this out, can't we?”Kira asked with a glimmer of hope, Lia had deposited in her.

“Work this out? Kira, you are dying! How am I supposed to live with someone who has the probability of dying in two to three years into our marriage?” Kira couldn't even answer the question.

“Lan?” Her heart was beginning to shred into tiny pieces, he was taking this the way her mind had Imagined, but this was more painful in reality.

“I don't know what to do either.” She managed to say as she tried to hug him but he quickly took two steps backwards leaving Kira hanging for a hug.

“Lan?” She called with her small angelic voice breaking into two, tears gushing out again.

“Kira, Kira ….I just need time to process all this in.”

“Are you leaving me?” Fear immediately gripped her.

“Who said anything about leaving? I just need time to sink all this in.” He turned to bery, as he scratched his head then walked away leaving her.

“Lan?” Kira called aloud, falling to the ground, but he paid deaf ears to her calls asking he entered his car,

“Lan!!” She called again, Amelia burst the front door opened as she rushed to Kira with a vile look in her eyes,

“That Bastard!” She cursed under her breath.

“Lia, he's leaving…he's leaving” Kira said in fear in between sobs.

“He just needs time, okay, Lan would not just leave you.” Lia assured her as she pats Kira’s head, but then she cried harder when she heard his car zoomed off the driveway.

“It's all over,” her subconscious says to her, this was not what she bargained for from fate.

This was sheer wickedness from Mother nature's side. How was she supposed to deal with this?

If this could have this much effect on Lan, how much more on her parents? Kira was the only child of her parents after a long time of trying to conceive.

Her dad loves her so much, and this news would break him entirely. Her mother has always been strict but she loved her dearly. She felt the pain of being childless before how she would deal with the pain of her only child dying slowly.

“No!” she said in a small shout startling Amelia,

“What's wrong?”

“I can't tell my mother and father. This would break them.” Kira said, Amelia looked at her, she sighs and Kira was sure Lia knew she was telling the truth.

“Let's just find a way around this first then we can think of telling anyone. It's obvious Lan is having a harder time processing this then you suffering it.” Lia says,


“ Kira , you have to get up on your feet and be alive again. C'mon, stand up let's go make you some tea to ease off the stress. You've cried enough. At this rate you'll hurt yourself.” She says, pulling her up as they both walked into the house, she placed kira gently on the chair then went to prepare her tea.

After taking the tea, Kira dozed off on the couch, it was a long sleep that seems like a good one in ages.

Her sleep was interrupted by the incessant doorbell rings, Kira reluctantly got up, as she looked at the time,

It was past 5 pm in the evening, how did she sleep for four hours?

“I'm coming!” she said to the person at the door who seems to have zero patience.

As Kira turned the doorknob and immediately a loud thud was heard, as someone slammed their hands on her face.

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