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A borough for your heart

Chapter 6 A borough for your heart

Word Count: 1110    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

tearing him away from Marcus's bloodied, semi-conscious for

ept on permanent detail finally managed to subdue him. Logan distantly

g what was certainly a shattered jawline and orbital socket. The once smug arrogance leaching

cted on his own flesh and blood. This...this was not the controlled, strategic application of force he prided himself on in

ts. He couldn't even bear to look at Marcus's pitiable state any longer without feeling the acid churn of self-loath

g limply in their wake. Logan moved to the side console and brusquely deactivated

.for a woman he barely even knew? An insistent, chiding voice taunted at him from deep within his psyche. The

ical to Logan's carefully constructed ethos. The infamous Westbrook self-control, the icy poise and implacable bearing that had made him such a force of nature in the boardroom. He could not

be ruthlessly, permanently expunged from his thoughts and cravings from this point forward. A frust

r defiant features would be snuffed out, strangled like a dying flame. Logan would need to

halls of the family legacy. The old Logan would return, the merciless tactician fully reasserting

quite ignore the nagging sense of loss slowly blooming in his core. It felt almost like...a phantom ache,

split knuckles was already an inky kaleidoscope, betraying the savagery of his recent actions. But his features were schooled into an inscrutable mask of control, all hints of that earlier wildfire rage carefu

id gruffly by way of greeting, his own g

t he was about to say next. Of the permanent line he was drawing for

ed in a meticulously even baritone. "I want every shred of photographic reconnaissance, every di

rt of in-family espionage was usually unprecedented. But he was too rig

ir," Chester replied

res utterly implacable and glacial. "We implement our endgame scenarios. Starting w

vel of scorched-earth retaliation would be..." Logan lifted his blazing gold stare, and Chester immediately trailed off at the blazon of ghostly menace etched in his employer

ne. "Marcus and Cole want to see just what depths I'm willing to plumb in order to

ess target placed before his maw. And yet despite the ironclad conviction in Logan's words, Chester caught th

gths he was now willing to go to in order to obliterate

st been sparked to life...and it would consume everything

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