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A borough for your heart

Chapter 3 A borough for your heart

Word Count: 2045    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

s - the opulent Versailles Brasserie located just off the main lobby of the Westbrook Palace Hotel. With its go

ey drank in the lavish surroundings. Logan felt a slight

her with a light touch on her lower back. "I figured we co

brushing tantalizingly against his fingers. "You know, I woul

it, completely enchanted. "Duly n

partially shielded by ornate stone columns and flowing sheer muslin curtains. As soon as they

k. Your usual Kona brew?" t

oting the way the soft glow from the crystal chandeliers above bat

e and tea options on the gilded menu. "I'll have...whatever your fa

effortless trust in his preference. "You drive a

ter replied with an obsequi

ty. "You know, I think this might actually be the fanciest place I've ever had coffee before." Logan felt an undeniable surge

of the rich Kona brew, delivered with a small crystal pitcher of cream on the side.

g the flavors roll over her tongue. Her eyes danced w

ith a lopsided grin. "We're officially

and she shot him a demure look over the

involuntary shiver down his spine. Logan took a long sip of h

rouble...the most exquisitel

tongue. "What motivated you to apply for the Acquisitions Manager role

r head. "Honestly? I got so sick of the cutthroat world of corporat

en working as a consultant for various development firms over the past few years, helping with market analysis, zoning regulations, that sort of

ceptibly, that spark of confidence flashin

Ava said with a tinge of disgust. "I wanted to get back to doing real, meaningfu

, but I'm actually really passionate about ethical urban development an

n't remember the last time he'd met someone so crackling with authenticity and ideals. She was like a b

cover her hand with his. The understated jolt of electricity between them at the contact was unmistakab

t imperceptibly. Those emerald eyes of hers were locked onto his with a heated intensity that was qu

woman sitting across from him. Ava's passion and authenticity sang to

unconsciously tracing feather-light patterns across the silken skin of Ava's hand, his fingers practically tingling from their charged connection. He watched as Ava's throat

ke a caress, a secret shared just between them. His gaze dropped brazenly to her mouth, drink

xicating as her very presence. To hell with the board meeting and his Mac

a graveled timbre. He began to slowly lean across the small tab

towards his like a blossoming flower seeking the sun's warmth. The air grew thi

g wave. He could see the frantic pulse fluttering just beneath the delicate skin of her thro

om a trance, his heart pounding wildly. Ava's hands flew to her face, her cheeks stained a becoming crimson. Paul the waiter

Westbrook...miss," the waiter murmure

ed itself. Logan could barely bring himself to meet Ava's mortified gaze, his own ears

," Ava said in a tremulous exhal

nding amidst the quiet tinkling of silver and crystal, a twist of unfamiliar panic and yearning lancing through his core. He couldn't let her just disappear from his life already, not after experiencing just a tantalizing sip of her intoxicating spirit. Shaking himself from his lustful reverie,

tinged with a hint of desperation a

her shoulders hunched and head down as if to avoid his pursuit. Not caring one whit about the stares his

g stop amidst a cluster of elaborate flower planters lining the sidewalk. Ava whi

n emerald eyes that seared straight through him – and felt his self-control slipping ev

ibly in response. Logan's gaze was utterly transfixed by the rise and fall of those lush breasts ben

r his touch, his possession. Logan was practically vibrating with the overwhelming need to c

all of Logan's scorching desire evaporated t

s were wide and wounded, overflowing with confusion and...fear? Logan was so disarmed by her reaction that his grip went slack on

words were barely audible over the bustli

ne in a heartbeat, leaving Logan unmoored and bereft amidst the pulsing crush of strangers and traffic. A h

nd ethereal as Ava? Much less convince her to remain t

his soul that he couldn't give up. Not when surrendering mea

n't an

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