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A borough for your heart

Chapter 4 A borough for your heart

Word Count: 4165    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

hard he tried to concentrate during meetings or presentations, his mind would inevitably dri

e ivory cheeks once she realized her gaffe...those pillowy lips pursed in contemplation as she tasted her first sip

ienced before. And now, without any way to reach out to her, the pangs of yearning were slowly becoming unbearable. During one particularly grueling meet-cute session with his legal team, Logan found his attention drifting yet again as C

tely, his wandering gaze landing on a heavy crystal paperweight resting on his desk blotter. He idly reached out to toy with it, rolling the smooth facet

tion of everyone else in the room. Even Caroline paused mid-drone, her brows raised in surprise be

g even at 70 years old. The family patriarch had swooped in unannounced for today's proceedings, no doubt to asse

" As the counsel launched back into her dull recitation, Logan tried his best to focus despite his father's penetr

ul smirks behind matching Westbrook-embossed iPads. Marcus in particular looked far too

shed control, with Marcus and Cole continuously attempting to undermine Logan's standing at every turn.

ts, drive and discipline required to successfully lead in their cutthroat world of corporate real

raternal bond. Logan couldn't even fathom the depths of their depravity sometimes. Stil

told himself that

hts of his familial woes and power plays. Logan allowed himself to sink into the memory of her plump lips slightl

oice cut through Logan's heated reverie with mocking

his molars – he wouldn't give his

these tedious legalities so we can discuss more pressing mat

in to slip a fraction. Logan didn't miss the way Cole instinctively shifted almost im

an from his siblings would have struck him dead on the sp

clouds with his commanding presence. He leveled each of his sons with a st

s like feral dogs," the elder Westbrook groused. "I didn't build this empire fro

pite his advancing years and semi-retirement, their father's autho

t-nosed princelings has managed to decisively prove your worth as a true leader and iron-fisted visionary in the Westbrook mold." The sting

l the strategic gambles and power plays over the past year, he h

e what you pups are truly made of once and for all. Starting Monday, you each have ten days to come up with the boldest, most innovati

p rod-straight, his eyes glittering with anticipation for the fight

her continued with a grunt. "Show me, without a shadow of doubt, who has the true iron

tly at Logan last, somehow sensing the hairline fra

he others or taking a shortcut...you'll be cut off from the Westbrook

nous beauty vanishing forever into the churning Manhattan crowds. Steadying himself, Logan attempted to refocus and attack this latest challenge with his usual single-mind

fear that he had squandered his on

o concentrate. Ever since abruptly fleeing the Westbrook Palace Hotel – and Logan's devastatingly intoxicatin

her own lips against...the dizzying combination of tenderness and restrained passion in his ev

on keeping things cool, casual and noncommittal with men as a basic survival tactic. Ava had learned the hard way over the years

o New York that she'd remain laser-focused on her goals, that she was done putting her faith in others' shiny promises and empty affec

ll of Ava's carefully-constructed walls and reservations. The intensity with which he had pursued her – quit

she tried to repress the heated memories, her body kept subconsciously betraying her. She could still feel the ghost of Logan's

infatuations. A familiar flicker of resentment towards her wealthy upbringing began smoldering within Ava's chest. She had seen fi

reside in the ritziest neighborhoods and social circles. But Ava had always chafed against the superficial, insular trappings of high society. While her younger sister Audra seemed born for the debutante balls and gentlema

re. Beneath his well-tailored veneer, Ava sensed a simmering intensity and passion that resonated with her own. Perhaps it was just the allure of the forbidden that drew them towards that heated, impulsive mo

ent-up energy thrumming through her veins. Her cramped living room didn't allow much room to pace, s

eated moments with Logan. She recalled with vivid clarity the scorching heat of his gaze raking brazenly over every curve of her body as she fought t

ers to fully extend. An involuntary shiver raced through her slight frame as she vividly recalled Logan's rumbl

ing beginning to build low in her core at the memory of how utterly undone and possessed she had fel

m hands may have grasped her hips to pull her flush against that powerful frame...how the rasp of his day's st

verie. She quickly straightened and fumbled for her cell ph

en further into that dangerous fantasy. "Ava! There you are, hon," her mother's warm Southern draw

unding heart back under control. "I've just been...dealin

translates into you getting ready to come back home then, little miss. You'

miliar prodding. "No chance there, I'm afraid. We've been over this a m

nd discombobulated this time," Mrs. Campbell continued in a long-suffering

ttling with the treacherous images of Logan's handsome face filling her mind's eye.

be just heartbroken if our eldest daughter wasn't there for such a momentous occasion." Ava pinched the bridge of her nose, grimacing at the mere thought of being paraded around

d scarcely relate to Audra anymore. Audra had fully embraced the insular, privileged existence their mother so cherished

h with the real world. No surprise she had gravitated towards far more socially-conscious passio

rushed no matter how much they grew apart. With a heavy sigh, Ava replied, "Alright, alright Mama

ilio come up with some incredible new gowns for the two of you to wear, maybe a lovely periwinkle for you Ava since it'll make your eyes just pop–" "Thanks but no thanks on

her sighed in a long-suffering tone. But Ava could hear the unmistakable warmth

ogan's handsome countenance filled her mind once more. Those piercing topaz eyes drinking her in with naked yearni

g, are you

ks. What was wrong with her lately that she couldn't seem to stop these h

ok, I need to get going but I'll make travel arrangements for Audra'

you say. Just don't go making me a grandmother before your

-subtle implication. She quickly ended the call before h

wisps of arousal still tingled across her sensitized nerve endings. She couldn't remember the last

ago youthful dalliance still haunted the wary corners of her heart to this day.

awaken a bone-deep, primal yearning within her that felt utterly new and ter

herself of who she truly was at her core beyond these shameful, indulgent fantasies about an obscenely wealthy mogul whose world was utterly antithetical to everythin

ets until clouds of color bloomed, steeling her resolve

nd her heart – from withering completely

ultuous inner conflict as he strode through the silent, di

e company's most valuable land acquisition files and records were stored away like buried treasures. Few kn

t steel door. After inputting a series of security codes, there was a muted thunk as the magnetic locking mecha

ncrete surrounding him, reinforced for maximum privacy and soundproofing.

Westbrook empire's most underhanded machinations and dirty dealings. Logan's ulti

skly logged into the hyper-secure private network that only he could access. Blueprints and zoning maps began flickering across the high-resolution screens as Logan tapped in a series of commands w

ise condo development being spearheaded by one of his prime competitors, CaletonGrup. Ever since stumbling int

at ruthlessly strategic mind. Yes...with a few calculated zoning adjustments and some dexterous permit revocations f

anded skullduggery in the face of her ideals. Using his wealth and influence to sabotage a project that would doubtlessly ca

for since birth...then he had to find a way to remove those barriers by any means necessary. To eliminate any potential threat to their future together before she could slip permanently t

around the secreted war room as he sauntered inside. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd

iar derision. "Don't start with me, Mar

s alone with Logan now, just as their father had intended by decreeing this ultimate proving ground f

his body in an assessing manner. "One might almost think y

appraising stare like a kid caught doing something he

nd and priorities remain as sharp as ever," Logan

e a drugging siren-song that drowned out all reason and good sense. Logan could practically sme

sed his younger brother's distraction acutely. "Sure, sp

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