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Billionaire sextuplets

Chapter 3 Sister who is he

Word Count: 1995    |    Released on: 26/05/2024

on man

s her hair was let down in curls and she only wore a ligh

f sapphire earings in the world won in

this year wanted something comfortable and non-slippery easy to walk in but expensive. I

of them were just meer mortals. She was like a total imm

h my

the Fu©k

that even

until Nelly stood up in anger rushing

ing here?!!!" Nelly shouted her g

ed saying every syllable se

d pointing a shak

you missed me that

did you come back? You unf

l some things. Here is what's gonna happen tonight. You shut up and live your l

me?" Nelly aske

let tonight be enjoyable. " Erica smirked walking

Nelly know that girl? Was she not supposed to come o

that girl? A girl who could make Nelly Jo

company? This Erica was indeed an interesting person. Now that his main course was here he didn't bo

aybe it was to make the Johnson's know of h

everything that Erica said and was intere

ing r

th Mother Johnson. Father Hunt and

companying their husbands to this splendid occasion. It was rare for the Jo

at g@mbling." Father Hunt chuckled as

h a simple game? Oh please oh please wait for our next life maybe we mi

se teeth from over smitting yourself. Prou

at me in this." Fat

u I will win a billion

inue as a sore loser."

d rushing in almost tri

ou running around the house li

r Uncle and Aunt. " Nelly

what happened?" M

. She always thought that no woman in this world could beat this obedie

r is down stairs." Nel

ged his hand on the table c

us in fact she told me to tell the whole Johnson family to l

ose for attending?" Father

is wearing very expensive clothing in fact if I calculate the money on her it

lly this big a money bag?" Father Johnson was cur

Erica was also perfect for her son the only wrong thing about her wa

always remember that cute little pest a

d and check this situation out ourselv

by the Johnson's come back

's Man

go asleep and the poor nann

sary for me to go through all this trouble?"Au

hese steps because it gives you mo

are boring and I already know the answe

was almost sleeping wi

falling asleep.

ake her up?"


about to shake the lady whe

ways to wake her up

with?" David asked blink

ell whispered and immediate

of ice cubes. And Brandon bo

six huge bowls and they all car

They chorused pouring

hattering as she hugged her arms to

tand over there and let us read ok? Be obe

even left in a hurry. Where did she get these pret

e said shivering but she couldn'

can't leave yet

the door."

need to do is stay

might never come b

n't be able to sleep like this." Michael

It was freaking midnight people!! What are they thinking is she some sort of

anger. If she could she would tear these d€vils apart. But sorry for her t

ritional." She mutter

on man

ked in their eyes caught a pretty figure seat

er eyes held an innocent light as if she didn't k

hose man wanna conquer her but the over 20 man behind her were like a temp

but we're stopped by one of her bodyguards she waved him of

Mother Hunt smiled w

l this woman loved beautiful innocent looking ladie

was unruly and hated b°ll$hit so they had never been any conflicts between the two the

the years and this woman still have her such an affectionate gaze

ocked at her fo

other Hunt auntie. So this wom

u so much over the years." Mother Hunt

old lady.° Erica thought in

e I will come to visit."

not a marriage machine.° she thought inwardly every family co

let go of those thoughts im

ca. Although the man was covered all over he was dressed so expensively and these clothes looked the same as

even stop him from s

id he look so noble? Mothe

The man smil

Erica stood up

kes was furious who was that man ?! How dare he touch his property?! But the figure ha

oing lately?" Erica

hun what do you think o

ite eyed wolf." Erica sm

r who

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