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Phoenix Agenda

Chapter 7 The Berlin Conference

Word Count: 1167    |    Released on: 03/06/2024

shadows, where history and int

rs, the Berlin Conference began. The heads of the world's most powerful inte

the silence. "We are here to discuss the Phoenix," he

B, and more were present, each wi

unity to spy on each other, or to play politics. We have a c

MI6 spoke up. "We have confirmed reports of the Phoenix

ough a network of shell companies, all based in the Cayman Islands," he said, his voice grave. "And t

had uncovered in their own investigations. The FSB disclosed the Phoenix's ties to Russian

ttled over the room. It was clear that the Phoenix was more d

signing you as the point person for this mission. You will coordinate the

knew the stakes were high, and the consequence

of the international security agencies. "Gentlemen," he said, his voice a

their top agent, each one chosen for their

he FSB," said the head

he Mossad," said the I

m MI6," said th

from the CIA," a

imself, from the FBI," said Barnes Henry

ged nods and knowing glances. They knew the risks,

his voice calm and steady. "Ope

d with precision, coordinating their efforts to

sterdam, Gabriel Cohen and David Sanchez uncovered a Phoenix-controlled trafficking ring that stretched acr

rget. Every time they thought they had it cornered, it seeme

e pushed to their limits, pursuing the Phoenix throug

they discovered that the Phoenix had infiltrated the highest levels of European politics. And in Rome, the

med one step ahead, always

hoenix to justice, John Mitchell deci

, his voice filled with determination. "We need to str

ar and resolve. They knew it would be dangerous, but

gence, and their courage, and prepared for a

y agencies huddled around a large, holographic globe. Each illuminated point represented a key playe

," Barnes Henry said, his voice gra

dded, their eyes f

his finger tracing across

nfrastructure," John said, his voice steady. "We strike at

here the Phoenix receives the bulk of their illegal weapons. Here," he continued, moving to a point in the Caribbean, "is whe

on the globe. They knew the scale of the challenge, but

" Barnes Henry said, his voice resolute. "We

eral months, the agents of Exterminate PX carried out a series of ra

oenix to its core, but the organi

corrupt politicians and business moguls who had been bankrolling the Phoen

agents found themselves facing resistance from th

ot justice," John Mitchell gro

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