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Word Count: 1076    |    Released on: 05/06/2024



nd Paige could contest as a team but the school authorities didn't allow it , so she's going to be my opponent mum ", I said in one breath. " Calm down Roseline, I understand you, you can't always expect things to come just the way you want it", my mum said. " What is her position in class?" She asked. " Well , she usually comes first" I answered. " What about you? " She asked. " Emm, 15th", I answered. " You see, both of you are in a class of forty students , she usually comes first and you are in the 15th position, does that ma

plan on getting a customized Oriflame designer dress to match my advertisment theme. I am really good at this but first I need my beauty sleep. It's late already. I packed my stuffs, had a shower , said my prayers . I looked arou

a makeover last weekend to prepare themselves for the competition. I can say that the guys are lucky right now, they are less busy. Though, some of them are helping the girls with their advertisment and promotion show, the rest of them are just having fun. Well, not for

s my classmate and I knew he has always liked me but I'm not really feeling the sparks. He is a good guy but I feel like I want something more. " How's your preparation goin

me, I decided to go as a vampire princess. Something spooky yet fashionable. The dress would be ready in two days time. I have my Oriflames banner ready , the only thing left for me to do is to look for students to help me with the promotion show. I plan on doing it like a short commercial. Just as I was thinking of the students I would need, a junior student came to me, " Senior Rose", Maya called

d as I looked up at who I bumped into . A handsome, masculine face stared back at me. I looked at him and for that moment, it seemed like time stopped. He looked so heav

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