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Chapter 6 LOST

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 05/06/2024



." I answered honestly. " Well, someone said she saw you entering the closet and another student also testified that she saw this coming out of the closet when everyone was at the hall ", the principal

hing I can do. You are hereby disqualified from the competition since you damaged your opponent o

ead on my table and sobbed. " Hey pretty, what's with the sad face, are you okay?" . I looked up and saw Louis staring at me worriedly. I tried to maintain my composure but I failed. I broke down completely and poured out my sorrows and pains to him. " It's fine

as already disqualified. I was pained deeply, I just couldn't believe it. "Hey, where's the prize, ohh I forgot, you were disqualified" Susan taunted after the assembly. I didn't

aige became the head girl and Louis became the king of Deluxe as he won the contest . I lost my best friend and school became boring to me. Thou

ead of me to grab it, I was hesitating, then everything became plain black. I woke up drenched in sweats again just like the other morning. I didn't tell my mum because

ibrary during break tomorrow? "I asked her. " And why should you be the one telling me what to do?" She snapped. "Look Susan, I am just doing my job, since you don't know what this do without being told, I have to take it upon myself to tell you" I fired back. I could see Paige staring at me coldly. I smiled at her but she hissed. Susan

t she didn't pick up, maybe she's busy at work. It was getting dark already and mum isn't back yet, I was getting worried already. I decided to make dinner. By the time I finished making the food, it was already 8: 10. Just as I was about to call her again, I heard a honk outside. I checked outside, she's back. She entered the

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