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Chapter 2 Run

Word Count: 1317    |    Released on: 17/06/2024

ly feeling it too before he ran to the back doo

nd every thought disappeared,

hell out

ed the door open wide


because I was already doing it. I grabbed R

nks as we ran out through the do

th us. We didn't want to risk the

f a forest with a mighty tree that had fallen in the way. The forest was

me as he stumbled trying to k

losing in and my hopes were dimin

o Richard as we jumpe

o a beast. The animal in me was fully awakened ready to take on whatever is thrown at it. I looked

called it, I was a shapeshifter, one who could

in fours, I turned to my left to look at Ethan

rotocol. After all, we have been doing this for a very long time, just that we have never oversta

ting it just rained. My guard was thoroughly raised

ing in many directions. Something was about to happen, I stopped f

ped him abruptly, I could hear the thunderous h

me on edge, a feeling of

l speed towards him, running faster than

unusual but this time was d

olf as soon as I saw him stop, then l

ut of the bushes, clearly going to attack hi

ouldn't take care of himself. So as a friend he

hter while he

high with my paws lifted up and pou

n the ground with a crack, and roll in

ly at me ready for a real fight, I couldn't stop the growl that came from my

ck down without a fight. Same here, I wasn't ready to back down either, I am g

ldn't ris

d understanding my reaction. He sized me up wanting to

rt bearing my teeth at him. My inner wolf fought despera

lf I know it would take

his first move. He raised his claws, tried to grab my neck bu

. I felt a movement, turning back to look at Richard,

e him to me? Lovers don't fight! They die an

back, the wolf turned him over and grabb

his body slipped down and h


I leapt at it and he made his move to grab my leg, us

surely whine from the pain but he didn't.

m surrendering

hed him down with my head giving him a little sound meaning he should s

e playing games but I wasn't quick to move. He grabbed my neck tightly but I

he was barely attentive and had shifted back to his human

ing I had to save. I hissed as more and more people in N

the men. How much I did d

d, checking what I was doing. The sick feeling in the p

o belong! How is that so comp

hough I was hurt but I might have a chance to escape.

I heard Richard's low voi

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